​ Fancy's first night she had to call the doctor of one patient three times and finally sent her down to the ER to see a doctor on call and it was determined that the person would be sent home with hospice that the hospital wasn't where the patient wanted to die. Fancy helped the aide get her ready for the ambulance ride home, followed by a hospice nurse.

​ While the housekeeper cleaned the room Fancy thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye but when she turned in that direction there was nothing there.so she just chalked it up to all of the excitement of the night. When she got home she felt extremely tired that she was asleep in no time she had a dream about that story the aide had told her and woke up thinking that is what I saw out of the corner of my eye but still she was determined that she was staying on the top floor and was going to do the best job she could and she had made the right call to ask the doctor if she could send the female patient to be the ER to be seen by a doctor on call. That female patient's family had came in and consulted with that doctor and talked it over with the patient and even thanked her for taking such good care of their family member.

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