My heart broke for Meagan. Her father was so tough on her and we had begged her to talk to her parents about the stress she had been facing. Not only with the high expectations from her dad, Brad, but also with the bullying she’d faced at Baylor. I admired Meagan. She pushed through and didn’t let it defeat her. It inspired her to pursue a career in helping people.

Me: Well I just moved in with Noah. In Austin. My father is going to blow a gasket. You could always come here and stay with us. There is plenty of room and I’m sure Noah won’t mind.

Meg: That might actually be a great idea. Talk to Noah and let me know. Got to run. Late for a study group! Just a few more weeks and this shit will be over!

Letting out a soft giggle, I smiled as I typed my response back.

Me: Hell yes! Then we are getting trashed!

Meg: And I’m having hot sex with a guy I don’t know!

Laughing, I shook my head. Lisa coughed and called out for Noah. Quickly pushing the phone into my back pocket, I made my way into her room. Glancing up, Lisa’s smile spread across her face as she covered her mouth and coughed again.

“Grace, what a wonderful surprise. Are you here visiting?”

Pushing a loose curl behind my ear, I walked over to Lisa. Sitting on the chair next to the bed, I saw the book Noah had been reading. “Actually, with just a few weeks of school left, I decided to come and stay with you and Noah.”

Relief washed over Lisa’s face as she closed her eyes and whispered something.

“What was that? I didn’t hear you, Lisa?” I said as I leaned in closer.

Shaking her head slowly, she said, “Nothing. I’m just very happy to know you’ll be here.”

Reaching her hand out for mine, I took it. She’d lost so much weight since the last time I’d seen her. She was much weaker. It was as if it took all her might to hold her hand out for me.

Sitting, I smiled sweetly. “I have a few more weeks of school before I graduate, but I’m not that far from College Station.”

Lisa’s smile vanished. “You’re driving back and forth?”

Giving her a look of reassurance, I said, “I’ve only got a few classes and I don’t have to drive back and forth each day. Just a few. Besides, Thanksgiving will be coming up in a few weeks. I plan on whipping up a huge meal for us. You’ll have to be sure to tell me what some of your favorites are as well as Noah’s.”

Lisa let out a soft chuckle before her smile faded and sadness filled her eyes. “Noah told me Em can’t make it for Thanksgiving. I’m trying not to let him know how sad that makes me feel. I can only imagine how it’s tearing Em up inside.”

Taking my other hand and softly placing it over Lisa’s hand, I nodded in agreement. “I’m sure it is, but Noah did mention Christmas.”

A spark came back to Lisa’s eyes as she nodded her head. “Yes. Em would never miss Christmas.”

Pulling her eyes from me, Lisa stared up at the ceiling. Not really knowing what to do, I peeked over at the book. “Would you like me to read to you, Lisa?”

Turning to look at me, Lisa grinned and said, “Oh yes, please. Noah tries, but that boy puts zero emotion into reading.”

Laughing, I let go of Lisa’s hand, picked up the book, and settled into the chair as I opened it to the last page that Noah was reading from.

Before I knew it, Lisa had fallen asleep and there was a light tap on the door. Looking up, I saw a woman standing in the doorway.

Smiling, I placed the bookmark in the book and stood up as she walked in. Glancing at Lisa, she nodded and then turned back to me. “She looks comfortable.” Picking up a chart, she glanced over it. “Noah gave her some pain med’s about an hour ago. Good.” Her eyes looked up and met mine. “The idea is to keep her comfortable. If she requests more, give it to her.”

Swallowing hard, I nodded my head. “Of course.” Glancing at her name tag, it read Angela and her scrubs said hospice.

It was then I wondered how the nurse got in. “Um, do you mind if I ask how you got in?”

She went about her business and didn’t answer me. I studied her as she moved about the room, never taking my eyes off of her.

After checking on a few things, Angela motioned for me to leave the room with her. Following her, I peeked back at Lisa. She looked peaceful. If I hadn’t known any better, I’d have thought she was simply taking a nap.

Angela made her way into the kitchen and turned back to face me. Coming to a stop, I smiled and looked around awkwardly. I wasn’t sure why this woman made me feel so nervous. All I knew was is I didn’t like the way she made me feel and I took note of it. Copyright 2016 - 2025