Stacey came bounding up, hugging me excitedly. “Have fun young lady?” she teased, waggling her eyebrows as she handed me my books and stuff that I’d left at hers.

Hell yeah I had fun. “Lots of fun actually,” I replied, winking at her.

“I need to go see David before class,” Kerry said, hugging us both and skipping off to see her boyfriend.

“So….. you seeing him again?” Stacey asked once we were alone. I laughed and nodded making her squeal with excitement.

“Casually. I told him I’m not interested in a relationship, which he was fine with,” I said shrugging.

I loved the idea of seeing Jamie again, he was such a nice guy and he seemed to take my mind off of everything, and the sex was seriously out of this world. I felt a little like a slut as I’d never been with anyone before Mark and now I was having a casual, no strings attached, sexual relationship.

But I honestly don’t think that Jamie thought I was a slut, otherwise I wouldn’t have agreed to it.

“What do you mean, casual?” Stacey asked, looking at me a little confused.

“Casual, no dating, booty calls…” I laughed and blushed at how cheap that made me sound.

She screamed and laughed her ass off, “You? Seriously that’s too funny! Little Miss Innocent, making booty calls?” she choked out through her giggles. I nodded laughing too, it did sound a little weird when you put it that way. “No wonder he seemed to like the idea, what the hell kind of guy is going to turn down no strings attached sex?” she asked, shaking her head at me amused.

“Can you drive me to get my car after school?” I asked, trying to change the subject from my slightly embarrassing sexual agreement.

She nodded, “Sure. So, when are you seeing him again?” she asked, obviously not finished hearing about him yet.

“No idea, we’ve exchanged numbers, maybe he won’t call me….” I trailed off shrugging, I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed at the thought.

“Are you kidding? Trust me, he’ll call! Give me your cell,” she ordered, holding out her hand.

I put my phone in her hand, “You’re not gonna call him or anything though are you?” I asked frowning. I wanted him to be the one to make the first move, I instigated all that last night and he actually asked me to leave his place after he was robbed. I needed to check he actually wanted to see me again, maybe it really was an excuse that he asked me to leave. The only way I’d find out was if he called me to meet up again.

“No, I’ve got a song for you.” She shrugged, shaking her head dismissively. I let it go, she was always sending music to my phone, we didn’t really have the same taste so I just humoured her most of the time.

An arm went around my shoulder, making me jump. I looked up to see Mark just as he bent and kissed my cheek. What the heck is he doing? Stacey looked at me sympathetically, “I’ll see you in class, let you two talk….” She smiled sadly before walking off to class. Damn it, please don’t leave me! I watched her walk off, before turning to Mark and shrugging his arm off.

He looked at me a little shocked, “Why have you not been answering my calls all weekend?” he asked, frowning angrily at me.

“We broke up, there wasn’t anything else to say!” I stated, trying to sound confident. We’d broken up a lot of times before, always with me ending it, but we were always back together before anyone knew about it.

He shook his head and stepped closer slinging his arm back around my shoulder. “Don’t be like that, baby. That was just a fight, we’ve had them before,” he cooed, pulling me against his chest. I looked around the corridor was almost empty now, people heading off to class.

“Mark seriously, this is it now, I can’t do this anymore I’m sorry. You’re just too possessive, you don’t trust me at all. I can’t be in a relationship like that.” I put my hands on his chest, pushing myself back from him slightly.

“Screw that, Ellie! I love you. You were the one trying to get it on behind my back, so don’t start trying to blame this all on me!” he growled angrily.

Is he kidding me? This is exactly the reason we broke up, I didn’t even talk to whoever he was accusing me of trying to hook up with!

“Mark, no this is it, it’s over I’m sorry,” I stated, turning to walk off. He wouldn’t get anymore chances, this was the perfect opportunity for me to break it off, people knew we were broken up so I just needed to stay strong and not let him sucker me back in again.

He grabbed my wrist, stopping my escape. “No f**king way! We’ve been together for three years Ellie, I won’t let you throw it away just like that!” He looked at me pleadingly so I quickly averted my eyes from his sad face. I didn’t love him anymore, this relationship wasn’t good for either of us, he had to see that too. This was best for both of us in the long run.

“Mark, I’m sorry, I really am,” I said apologetically.

He laughed and shook his head, “You’ll take me back,” he stated confidently, touching his hair, making sure it was in perfect condition as usual. “I’m coming over for dinner tonight with my parents, remember? This will all blow over I promise, you’ll forgive me, you always do. I love you, baby.” He kissed my forehead and walked off in the other direction, leaving me standing there completely speechless.

Crap, I forgot about him coming over for dinner tonight! It had been arranged for a while, our parents got on really well, my parents adored Mark, as did all of the school. I guess that’s because he didn’t show them the dominant angry side, he could be adorable when he wanted to be and very charming. Copyright 2016 - 2025