"Who are you talking about?" Norian asked.

"The brothers Starr," Erland said. "Astralan, Stellan, Celestan and Galaxsan. Powerful warlocks who fell in with the Hardlows. Now they work for Teeg and seem to be redeeming themselves. Wylend is going to suspend their criminal status on a trial basis, unless they get into trouble again. He'll lower the hammer if that happens."

"And what does Teeg San Gerxon want from us?" Norian lifted an eyebrow at the warlock.

"To suspend the criminal status of the reptanoids. He says they work for him and they wouldn't have committed any crimes if they hadn't been threatened and mistreated," Erland said. "You know how Reah feels about them."

"She threatened me if I hurt any of them," Lendill snorted.

"Exactly. Teeg wants a clean record for all eight of them, and their names are on this list," Erland Pulled a list into his hand and handed it to Norian.

"Who gave out these names?" Norian looked at all eight, shaking his head in confusion. "Does he plan to bring them when he comes?"

"I think so—he wants bodyguards, I think, just in case."

"I would do the same," Lendill muttered.

"Arrange to have Ry and Tory come with Lissa—since they've worked with Teeg before. Where are we meeting him?" Norian asked.

"He says he'll meet you at the space station, in the private rotunda reserved for visiting dignitaries," Erland said. "Wylend and I intend to be there, with our own guards. Lissa will probably bring Gavin, Tony and the Falchani twins. Gardevik will likely be there as well. I don't think anything will get past them, including the Starr brothers and the reptanoids."

"They really turn to lion snake?" Norian wondered idly.

"Reah said they did," Lendill nodded. "She also said their speech wasn't perfect—that something happened when they were created. I wish she were here so we could ask questions."

"Lendill, we all wish for that," Norian grumbled. "And for Gavril to come home to Lissa. She hasn't been the same since his disappearance. If anything happens to that boy, she'll go crazy and Gavin with her."

* * *

"Little squirrel, don't do this if you're not ready." Lenden whispered to me after Astralan set us down inside a house on the outskirts of Kristl, a city on Roorthi. Teeg didn't own this one—he was borrowing it from a Roorthi businessman who'd been quite happy to allow us to use his summer home. It was late fall on Roorthi anyway, and the owner was embroiled in business deals in the capital city nearly two hundred clicks away.

"Lenden," I said.

"Call me Em-pah," he corrected gently.

"Em-pah, I have to do this." I did—Teeg had promised I'd see Gavril. I wanted that more than anything. I'd suffer through days of debilitation for just a hug from Chash.

"We'll do it tomorrow—we'll try to get her built up a little more today before we start," Jes said. He'd been fussing around me ever since I apologized for snapping at him. I didn't know what to do with his mindless devotion; it was starting to scare me, to be honest. Lenden wasn't sure what to think about it either, but he didn't say anything. He was only a bodyguard, after all, even if he had adopted me. Jusef was also protective, but not in the smothering manner that Jes displayed.

If I thought it might get me anywhere, I'd ask Teeg to send Jes back to Campiaa. There wasn't much chance of that—Jes was the only physician Teeg employed. Jes had already told me that. Farzi and Nenzi were also beginning to be wary around Jes, but knew not to say anything. They had no desire to upset Teeg. Neither did I, in case he withheld my visit with Gavril.

"How's the tummy?" Jusef asked. "Feel like a snack?"

"Jusef, someday I'll cook for you," I promised. He was very good at what he did—Lenden said that Jusef had been cooking for a long time. Jusef could work in any of Desh's restaurants and be comfortable there, I think. He never served anything that would sit heavily on my stomach, preparing lighter fare that was nourishing and very good at the same time. Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables found their way into the menu, as did nutritious soups and stews. Now he pushed a plate of tiny sandwiches toward me as I settled at the kitchen island.

Farzi and Nenzi consented to share my snack, so Jusef made more for the others, who came to sit with us. Teeg's communicator buzzed while we ate.

"What is it, Dee?" He asked. I hadn't heard that name before.

"His assistant," Farzi said softly, grabbing another small sandwich from the tray.

"The assistant I wasn't allowed to meet," I whispered back, bumping my shoulder against Farzi's. He smiled at me and bit into his food. Now I had a name to go with the title.

"Teeg, that woman is causing trouble," the voice said. Teeg could see the image—I sat too far away to get any of it. All I could do was listen in.

"Ardalin? What's she doing?"

"Hired someone to hurl a few blastbombs at the palace," the voice said. "We have the culprits but we haven't located her yet."

"How much damage?" Teeg was cursing under his breath while his assistant spoke.

"Not much; the guards didn't let them get close enough to do anything more. Some burn marks on the western wall and the lawn is torn up."

"Keep looking for the bitch," Teeg growled. "And keep those bastards locked up. I may come and question them myself."

"Probably what she's hoping for," the voice replied.

"Well, she can keep on hoping. If I find her, well, we'll take care of that." Teeg ended the call. I could have told him Ardalin might cause trouble. Her eyes and expression said as much the day he sent her out the door. Teeg got up and walked through the house, heading for the door, raking a hand through his dark hair as he stalked away.

"Reah, not be upset," Nenzi whispered. I suppose my shocked expression had worried the reptanoids.

"Eat," Lenden said gently, tapping my plate. I went back to my food.

* * *

"Will this do?" Teeg, Lenden, Astralan and Jes had brought me to a small clearing about three clicks away from the house. Once again, I could feel the wrongness around me. I'd have to undress to turn again—I could only do this as Thifilatha.

"This will do, but I need to see the stars overhead," I told him, pulling off my light jacket. Lenden took it from me and waited while I handed him the rest of my clothing. It embarrassed me to have him and the others watch, but what else was I supposed to do? I might do a lot worse if it meant I'd get to see Gavril.

Lenden muttered an oath in a language I didn't recognize when I turned. Tory and his father, Gardevik Rath, had told me how unusual my skin color was while I was Thifilatha. It was gold; skin, scales, talons, even. My hair was still white and my eyes still green. Everything else was golden in color. Settling myself on the dry grass in the clearing, I lifted my head and selected the star from which I could Pull energy. Taking deep breaths to calm myself and prepare for what was to come, I coaxed the power away from the star.

* * *

"I felt it—the core's energy filling in and then getting sealed off," Astralan's voice held wonder, even as Lenden and Jes attempted to wake Reah. Still in Thifilatha, just as before, she lay sprawled across the dead grass in the clearing while Lenden called her name, begging her to wake.

"I hope it's easier for her to handle this time," Teeg muttered to the eldest of his warlocks.

"Same here; the longer we wait, the worse it gets," Astralan agreed. "Do we have everything set up for the meeting in twelve days?"

"Yes. And I have the writ from Karathia, releasing the criminal status for you and your brothers. You're free men, as of this moment. Of course, they say if you break the laws again, you'll be hunted, just as you were before."

"Won't be doing that unless you ask," Astralan said. "And it will only be if you ask."

"Let's hope it never comes to that," Teeg sighed. "Come on; let's go see if we have better luck than those two." Teeg walked toward Reah's Thifilatha.

* * *

"I wish there was some way to get you changed back without having to leave you out on that cold ground for such a long time," Jes grumbled as he examined me the following morning. They'd brought me home just before dawn—it had taken clicks to wake me and get me to turn. I'd been sick again, just as before, so they let me heave outside before bringing me home and cleaning me up.

Somebody washed me—I was asleep through all of it so I couldn't really say who. Jusef had prepared a jumble complete with the usual vitamins. My hand shook as I tried to suck some of it through the straw, so Nenzi was there, helping me hold the glass. Teeg had disappeared for a while—I hadn't seen him since I'd gotten back. I'd been unconscious most of that time, so he could have shared the bed and I wouldn't have known.

"Nenzi," I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes in weariness.

"Rest, Reah," he whispered. "This keep." He set the glass on the bedside table.

"We will watch, make sure she drinks," Farzi crawled onto the bed with me. Jes didn't want to argue with any of the reptanoids. Before I fell asleep, I heard him close the bedroom door behind him as he left.

"We will keep Reah," Farzi said softly. I let sleep take me.

* * *

"That's all I know," Yiri whimpered. "She said somebody else helped with the money." Teeg paced in front of Yiri inside a holding cell.

"Where is she?" Teeg demanded for the third time.

"If I knew, I'd tell you. She did this to us," Yiri shivered under Teeg's unforgiving stare. "She only said she wanted to hurt you, because you hurt her. I don't know what the other one wanted."

"He doesn't know anything," Teeg growled in frustration. "Dee, see if he has any records anywhere. We'll punish to the fullest extent."

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