"Can we go there?" Brianna asked.

"No, it's too far away," Madison said.

Brianna wrinkled her nose. "Why would he want to live there?"

"That's where his home is."

"But we're here. When's he coming back?"

Never was too permanent for a child, so Madison mumbled something about "someday."

"Speaking of Caleb," her mother murmured. "He sent you a check to buy out his lease. And his mother called while you were in the shower."

Caleb had sent her a check? Madison didn't feel right about taking his money when she'd asked him to leave. But she was more immediately concerned with the fact that Caleb's mother had called. "What did she say?"

"She wanted to make sure you're all right."

Madison had a definite soft spot where Justine Trovato was concerned, but she needed to avoid anyone who had anything to do with Caleb, or getting over him would only be more difficult. "Did you tell her I'm fine?"

"No. I told her you'd call her back." Her mother waved at a slip of paper tacked to the fridge. "Her number's right there. And I put Caleb's check in the side pocket of your purse."

"Mom, you know I'd rather not deal with--" Madison started, but Brianna was watching her closely, so she stopped.

"I know what you told me," her mother replied. "But if you're going to shut him out, you're going to do it on your own because I can't help thinking that some risks are worth taking. And Caleb is one of them."

THAT EVENING, Madison sat in her bedroom, staring at the slip of paper with Justine Trovato's number. Annette had finally left. Johnny had gone over to Tye's because Sharon and the kids were back and Tye was trying to make up to his wife by fixing a few things around the house; he'd asked his brother to help. Brianna was in bed. So Madison was alone at last. She had the time and the opportunity to return Caleb's mother's call. But she knew talking to Justine would make her miss Caleb that much more....

After another few minutes, she took a deep breath and picked up the phone. She couldn't be so rude as not to call.


"Mrs. Trovato?"

"No, it's Tamara."

"Oh, Tamara, I'm sorry I didn't recognize your voice. This is Madison."

"Madison, we've been worried about you. How are you?"


"I'm glad to hear it. You must be tremendously relieved that Holly is now behind bars."

"I am." There was an awkward pause. "I'm just returning your mother's call."

"Wonderful. Hang on a second, I'll get Caleb."

"Wait! I said...what...why--" Madison sputtered.

"And you'd better make this count," Tamara added in a low voice. "He flies out in the morning."



Madison's whole body tingled at the sound of Caleb's voice. Gripping the phone much too tightly, she licked suddenly dry lips and closed her eyes, feeling an overwhelming desire to see him again. "Caleb?"


She could hear his surprise, wondered what she was going to do now. Tell him that she'd sacrifice her good judgment--anything--to be with him again? How could she, after she'd already thought it through so many times and made her decision? "I, um, just called to tell you that I can't accept your buy-out check. A lessor has to buy out a lease only when he breaks the agreement. And you didn't do that. I'm letting you out of your lease," she said, proud of herself for thinking of an excuse so fast.

"I want you to have the money," he said. "It'll help you get by until you find another tenant."


Brianna opened her door and poked her head inside the room. "Mommy?"

Madison jumped as though she'd been caught doing something wrong. "What are you doing out of bed, Brianna?"

"I'm thirsty. Can I have a drink?"

"Of course." Madison decided she should end the call so she could take care of her daughter. They really had nothing more to discuss. But she couldn't bring herself to say goodbye. "Caleb, can you hang on for--"

"That's Caleb?" Brianna squealed, jumping up and down. "When's he coming home? Can I talk to him? I knew he'd call!"

Madison hesitated for a moment, wondering what to do now. "Brianna wants to say hello," she finally said.

"Put her on."

Madison handed her daughter the phone and Brianna eagerly clutched it to her ear. "Caleb, where did you go?...Why didn't you say goodbye to me?...When are you coming back?..."

Madison was supposed to be getting Brianna a glass of juice, but she was too caught up in what she was seeing and hearing, especially when Brianna's shoulders began to slump and her questions slowed. "But who's going to mow the grass?...Johnny doesn't even know what a praying mantis is...I don't want you to go to San Francisco...What about me? Elizabeth will miss you...."

Madison's heart ached as she watched and listened. Without even telling Caleb goodbye, her daughter gave her back the phone and started dragging Elizabeth out of the room. Her head was down, her request for a drink completely forgotten.

Brianna's dejection hit Madison hard. She was so busy trying to protect Brianna that she was denying her connection with someone she already cared about. She was denying herself, as well. Was she wrong? What if Caleb turned out to be an important part of their lives? Didn't she owe it to herself, to Brianna, to give him that chance?

Her pulse racing, Madison put the phone to her ear again. "Caleb?"


She took a deep breath. "If I asked you to, would you come back?"

CALEB NEARLY DROPPED the phone. Shooting a glance at Tamara, who was hovering nearby, pacing and rubbing her hands, he turned his back on his sister, wishing for a moment of privacy. "Maddy, if I hadn't lied to you so I could move in, Holly would never have come after you and Brianna. I can't tell you how responsible I feel for that, how sorry I am."

"Caleb, getting to know you was worth everything that happened," she said. "My mother is happier than I've seen her in years, and Johnny and Tye have something of a fresh start--all because of this. I feel it's brought us closer as a family. Besides, Brianna is fine." She paused. "Except that she's crying in her room right now because she believes you're leaving town."

Caleb tensed. "Is she the only one who cares that I'm leaving?"

"God, you never make things easy for me, do you?"

He chuckled softly. "Say it, Maddy. Say it or I won't stay."

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