Sandra was flabbergasted. She didn't have to ask him who he was with, he told her on his own and he did try to contact her. Maybe he do care. Now she wondered should she let him stew some more or should she text him back. She couldn't be that mean, she decided to text him back but what to say she don't know yet. Wanting to think some more on it and take in what she had just read she started to write her text.

'Dave, I am doing ok. Had to go back to the hospital, had a mishap. I am on bed rest right now and have to take a few days off work. Thank you for your concern.' Sandy.

She wanted to write so much more but thought she better not. Right now all she was doing was responding to his question of concern. There is nothing more worse than ignorance when someone ignors a phone call or message when chose to.

Not two minutes later she recieves a text from him. She nearly jumped out of her skin since it was still in her hand and it vibrated.

' Sorry to hear you had to go back to the hospital. What mishap happened?' Dave typed

Sandy didn't want to go into details but did type back 'I woke up in the morning forgetting about my foot and while stepping out of bed I stepped hard and tore my stitches open.' Copyright 2016 - 2025