Sandra was in shock. Wow, she couldn't believe what she was hearing and didn't know what to say. She didn't want to tell him that she felt the same as she obviously did considering all the trips to the coffee shop to see him and missing him like crazy when he wasn't there. Then how her heart dropped when she saw him at the store with the kids in the car. Makes sense that she too had fallen in love. She wanted to tell him but how could she give him false hopes. How could she be in a relationship with a man who has children and still connected to their mother. That would only cause issues with them as it did her last relationship to which she can not go through that again. She was heartbroken but still couldn't help her feelings. She needed time to sort through her feelings and what it all meant to her before blurting out her feelings.

"Oh wow, you are so great with words and it is all so flattering, we have just met and this is our first date. I do really like you, that part is obvious but I can't tell you I love you. Our lives are two different lives. You have children, you have an ex wife to whom you still communicate with and you have your heavy schedule with work... and this beautiful house where you come to when ever you want to get away. Your music, writing and everything else that fills your life. I fear that falling for me at this time of your life is just a phase. You don't have time in your life to fit me into it. When would we fit? What happens to your music, your kids, your ex. I can't disrupt the lifestyle you have because your heart has thrown you for a loop with me. I am very flattered but we can be friends and go from there." Sandra sadly spurted out of her mouth regretting she had done so and wished she could take it back but she had said it and now from the look of his face she had hurt him. Copyright 2016 - 2025