Frustrated she turns the key. 'Oh my god,' she said out loud, 'why is this happening to me?' After a few tries she finally gets the car started, backs out only to see that guy getting into his car. He looked at her again with a smile. She was dazed and didn’t smile back. She continues on her way and when out of sight she smiled to herself forgetting all the car problems she had.

She made it through work but barely. The smile from the man at the coffee shop kept interrupting her thoughts. Ending her day at work she grabbed herself a coffee from the lunch room and left to drive home. This time the car starts with no problem. Of course, she thought, only when I am in a hurry. Why?

Driving home she drove passed the coffee shop, that she never noticed before, imagining him smiling at her, again she smiles. She knew he wouldn’t be there, just imagined it in her thoughts. 'Stop it,'he has got to be married and I may never ever see him again. He might have been just driving through town. Get him out of your head,' she told herself, again out loud.

Finally reaching home she gets out of her car, locks it and walks up the walk. Before she reaches her front door she hears a car horn. Before she could look to see who it was, it had already gone around the corner. Maybe it wasn’t for her so she had let it go. Copyright 2016 - 2025