As they neared the car, Sandra had her head nuzzled into his shoulder and didn't notice that they had passed the car and was headed towards the beach house. When she felt him walking up stairs she raised her head.

"Why are you taking me to this house?" She asked.

"We need to take a look at your foot and clean it up." He said as he stopped at the top of the stairs and fished in his pocket for keys. "I am going to have to put you down so I can unlock the door."

Sandra was confused. He had a key to the house but then remembered that he had said he had permission to park there. Did whom ever gave him permission to use the parking spot also give him permission to use the house?

"Don't look so confused. This was part of the surprise but didn't turn out the way I wanted it too. However, it did give me an easier way to surprise you without you thinking too much into it." He said as he helped her into the door he had unlocked and pushed opened then closed it behind them as they entered.

"So this was the big plan, the surprise? To bring me here to this beach then take me to this house and take advantage of me. Hoping your beautiful voice and playing will distract and awkwardness or any wrong doing you plan." She was a little angry. She thought he was different, she thought they would just go to the beach, have a picnic, maybe go for a walk then go home. She never thought for the life of her that he would take advantage of her this way. She wanted to go home now and never see him again. "Please take me home now?" Copyright 2016 - 2025