Oh my is the first thought, wine, he wanted to get us wine, oh my gosh, she was astonished at what he had in mind for this trip to the beach tomorrow, a picnic on a beach 2 hours away and wine, hmmm, what is he going to do next.

“I like white sparkling wine, but you don’t have to do that.” She told him. “Would you like me to bring anything?”

“No, I will have it all taken care of. Just needed to know what kind of wine you preferred. I will bring both. I like red wine.” He told her.

“I would love to bring something. Maybe I can bring a desert?” She suggested, feeling the need to contribute something for this event.

“Just bring yourself and your beautiful smile.” He told her smiling himself.

With him saying that she got chills, a sense of something different she haven’t felt before from him. Excitement flooded her heart and soul. “Ok, I will just bring myself.” She finally managed through her nervousness that now has taken over.

“Great, then we have a date.”

Ending their conversation, she hung up the phone and got ready for bed. Talking wine she went to her fridge and grabbed herself a glass of wine. Settled in her bed with a candle lit beside her and a book in her hand. Again, not being able to read with thoughts racing through her mind.

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