The rest of the week was fantastic for the both of them. They met every morning at the cafe. They got to know each other a little more to find out they have a lot in common, just little things. Friday came and still they met as usual.

This time he was there before her and had her coffee and bagel sitting there at the table waiting.

“Good morning, Sandy.” Smiling as he said her name.

“Well good morning to you too, Dave.” She said with a huge smile and a bigger smile for what he did and what he called her. “Look at you; you got my coffee and bagel, thank you, and Sandy?” Questioning him calling her Sandy and not Sandra.

Sitting down she took a sip of her coffee but enjoyed the smile on his face and gesture from him.

“You are very welcome. Your name is Sandra, so, I just shortened it. Is that ok?” He said knowing that she enjoyed it by the expression and smile she had draped across her pretty face.

“Yes, of course. That is what everyone calls me.” Biting into her bagel she heard him ask something so unexpected.

“Sandy, we have been meeting here every morning for the past week.” He gulped, and continued. “Tomorrow is Saturday. So I thought, maybe we can get together outside of here. Spend more time together rather than this short time that we meet now.” Copyright 2016 - 2025