What was she supposed to say now, was she supposed to sit there like a bump on a log and just stare at him. She thought. It’s a good thought; she could do that all day.

“That’s good. There’s nothing better than relaxing with a morning coffee before heading to work.” She managed to say.

“I work from home so I will be grabbing a coffee to go and heading home.” He told her not sure what she would think of that.

“Wow, I would love to work from home. Especially, since I was having car problems.” She said in an attempt to keep the conversation going.

“It’s great. Set your own hours. Come and go when you please. You are your own boss and no one to tell you what to do or not to do.” He said smiling, sipping his coffee wondering why in the world did he have to say all of that.

“It would be great. Maybe someday it will be like that for me too.” Smiling, wishing it was true. Oh wow, look at the time, she wanted to stay longer but she had to get to work. If she didn’t leave right at that moment she would be late. She may be late as it is and if traffic is bad she is going to be very late.

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