It was the man who smiled at her. Her pounding heart just beat so loudly to her she thought he might have heard it over all the clatter in the coffee shop. She was speechless; he was speechless as they just looked into each other’s eyes as if they know what the other is thinking. Neither smiled just looked for the longest while. After all they were just sharing a table and had no reason to talk but it did feel awkward to her and obviously to him.

“Thank you, for the use of the table.” He said with a smile as he stood up to leave. She didn’t get to say anything back. He was gone before she knew it. Well, she thought. What was that all about? The man of her dreams, sit with her and not say a word, only asking if the seat was taken and thank you. She is consumed by confused thoughts. Was she going to wake up out of a dream? or NOT? Copyright 2016 - 2025