​ He called the next day offering her more money.again Saddie told him that she was obigated to her new bosses and refused to work for him.Several weeks later she saw Frank and this other man that she also rcoginezed as another investigator that she knew. They both claimed to have been rtired. She had stopped to pick up a homemade pie from the local diner for a client. She stopped and said hello.

​ Frank asked her how she knew she had been investigated. Saddie explained the house furnishings plus if they both had really retired they wouldn't have a briefcase with them.She asked them who they were investigating now. They told her a med tech who they suspected of taking the client's medication and selling them. She wished them good luck and started to leave when

Frank told her that she wasn't a dumb chick from the south as her name would have people believe.Cassandra used both of Saddie's stories in their first online newspaper. She also asked her to become one of her assistants. Saddie immediately accepted her offer but informed her since she had retired she could only work so many hours before social security would start taking money out.

Cassandra got Saddie a computer to work from home on.She also assigned her an office space close to hers. Dr. Watson and Cassandra explained to Saddie what she would be doing Her major job was to answer Cassandra's phone and schedule her appointment plus to publish fliers for the think tank

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