​ She was in charge with setting up the event and promoting their group. She made several fliers and posted them all over the city including the college. At home she addressed several invitations to the mayor, city aldermen and professional people in town. She even addressed an invitation to the governor and the senator and congressman represenative of that area The bebefit dinner was more than sucessful. Everyone that attended even paid for photo oops with the senators, congress people,governor and the think tank administrators.

​ One lady could only afford the cheaper dinner and wasn't seated by any big wheel. In the bathroom she told Cassandra a little bit of her life's story. She told her that she was so worried about a couple of little children in her family so much she crossed the line when their mother had been admitted into the hospital and tried to fool the hospital into releasing that mother's medical records to her at an assisted living facility that she worked at. Somehow she got caught and could face up to five years in prison

​ Saddie Mae Hawthorn had been set up by those babies mother's family so she admitted that she had done it. to her boss She was so ashamed of being a dumb chick.She should have declined and reported them to her boss.A couple of years later she realized that it could come back to haunt her and her family. She hadn't even thought of them.

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