​ Dr. Watson was accompanied by his new little companion a new breed of dog. His father was a french bulldog and his mother was a pug which the mixed breed dog kennel called the new breed a Frenchie Pug. Dr. Watson named his little companion Mr. Frenchie. His nickname was just Frenchie. Frenchie was the only house dog and went everywhere Dr. Watson went.

At the farm house by the lake he had several different good size dogs. One was Dobbie a doberman pincher which kept his security guard company while on duty. They walked the front fence of the property while another security guard walked the right side of the property with Sherman a german shepherd.

The back of his property was the running ground of Shaggy a big English Sheep dog. English Sheep dogs is consider to be a good farm dog that isn't dangerous and is very good with children and very protective of them. Dr. Watson's grandchildren came to stay at their grandfather's farm every weekend.On the left side of the property the security guard partner was a pit bull named Bullie

​ On the Sunday evening local news a reporter showed a video tape from a drone flying over the lake which the Alien Life Form was staged showing Dr. Watson's employees taking up the props and revealed the story as a hoax. The think tank phone started ringing off of the hook with complaints from the participants of Dr. Watson's therapy group. His office window at Saddie's house had several rocks thrown through it with little notes written on them.

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