Hunter recoiled, wrenching away from the demon.

Die? His choice was to either never have children with his mate or die?

“If I’m going to die on this f**king quest of yours, what’s the point of taking these tests?”

The fire roared to ten times its original size. Flames licked the wooden tent supports. Heat slammed into Hunter, blistering his skin and charring his hair. The stench of burned flesh filled the air, but Hunter held his ground, suffering through the searing agony with clenched teeth.

“The point is that even if you don’t go on this quest, you will die.” Sam’s hand snapped out to take

Hunter by the throat. Drool dripped from the demon’s orca teeth, which looked a lot larger than they had a moment ago. “Before the winter ends, you will be dead.”

“Again,” Hunter ground out,” why should I go on your stupid quest?”

The demon cackled, a sinister, resonant sound that turned Hunter’s marrow to ice. “Because going with one of the ShadowSpawn females is your only hope of survival. Both twins would be the death of you.” In a whoosh of air, he turned to mist, his form twisting with the smoke from the fire. As the flames snuffed out and the smoke dissipated, the demon’s voice echoed in Hunter’s head. “But only one of them will choose to bring you back. ”

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