“Here, throw this on.” He tosses a Hope Town Police Department hoodie at me and waits for me to listen.

“Isn’t it a little warm for this?” I ask, looking down at the big HTPD block letters across the front.

“You can thank me later,” he oddly responds.

“Uh, right.” I jam my head into the hoodie and feel my pulse race when his scent floods my senses.

After I’m dressed, he waits for me to set the alarm and lock up, leading me back to his truck, opening my door before making his way to the driver’s side.

“Can I get a clue?” I ask meekly.

“Just go with it. Promise me though; if for one second you aren’t having fun, tell me. And darlin’,” he pauses waiting for me to give him my full attention. “Just feel,” he oddly says.

I don’t respond. I keep quiet until we pull into the local paint ball center. He parks in the lot and kills the engine. I take in the building, surrounded by a tall fence and look back to Liam.

“Step one, even when you feel pain you can be having the time of your life. You don’t have to let that pain be the only thing you feel. The fun in paintball is all in the game. Take that pain and remember, it’s only temporary and when you get to the end, the only thing that’s left is some colors on your skin that help you learn how to play the game better.”

“What game?”

“The game of life, darlin’.”

“You make no sense.”

“Like I said, it will make sense soon darlin’, and I can’t wait for you to get it.”

He drops out of the truck and walks around to my door. I wait for him and we walk into the center, his hand never leaving mine for a second.

After the longest hour of my life while the owner runs us through the rules and safety procedures, I’m being suited up with more protective gear than the swat team probably wears. I’m not sure how I’m expected to move around like this.

Liam looks over after he adjusts the strap on his own helmet, and gives me a grin. “How do you feel?” he asks me.

“Hot. And stiff.”

He laughs and hands over my paint ball gun. I look at it and then back up to him. His grin grows and he walks over to show me how it works.

“I think you got it, darlin’, just point and shoot. Just don’t shoot anyone on our team.”

“How do I know they’re on our team?” I ask lamely.

He taps my yellow helmet and then points to his own. “Avoid the yellow.”

“Right, avoid the yellow,” I gulp.

I kept chanting that as we make our way out the door into the back of the center. The whole thing looks like some weird obstacle course. There are different areas clearly meant to shield and some that look like my worst physical education nightmare come to life.

“Ready?” the owner asks when we make it to the group of ten or so other people all geared up in yellow and blue helmets.

Avoid the yellow. Avoid the yellow.

“When you hear the buzzer, go.”

Shit, I missed everything else he said. Liam looks over and gives me a wink through his goggles and when I hear the buzzer sound I watch as everyone scatters. Liam grabs my hand and pulls me toward one of the bunker like shielded areas. It takes me a few seconds to get my head in the game, but when I hear Liam laugh, I watch as he pops his head around the side before pulling his gun up to pop off a few shots. I hear a grunt and then a muted curse before Liam turns with an even bigger smile.

My blood is pulsing through my veins so hard that I can hear it roaring in my ears. I can’t figure out if I’m feeling pure fear or excitement. My mind is telling me to run, but the look of joy on Liam’s face, transforming him from handsome to panty-soaking gorgeous, makes me want to keep it there.

My hands shake as I pull myself up and peer around the side. I see a few yellow helmets, but my gaze zeros in on one lone blue one with her back to me. With a ridiculous amount of jittering, I bring my own gun up and let off a few pops. When I hit her clear in the back with one of my yellow paint balls the adrenaline rushing through my body spikes, and I feel like my body might explode with excitement.

I can’t explain the feelings running through my system. When I drop back down to where Liam is waiting and turn to look at him, the smile on my face can’t be stopped.

I’m having fun. So much fun that I don’t even think. I drop my gun and grab his padded shoulders and give him a huge hug.

When I pull back, his smile matches my own.

“Let’s do this!” I exclaim.

He gives me a nod and for the next thirty minutes I feel, just like he asked, and for the first time in a long time, while the adrenaline is rushing around and my heart is about to beat out of my chest, I’m looking forward to every second that is to come.

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