Noelle. Right. He forced his gaze on her. “Look, you were a job, meant to introduce me to the right people. I enjoyed your antics, I really did, but you were getting me in trouble. I’m sorry I tried to change you, I really am. You’re wonderful just the way you are. You always deserved better, and I knew it, and that’s why I incited you into breaking things off with me by telling you not to see Ava. My boss couldn’t force me to date a woman who wanted nothing to do with me.”

She surprised him with a smile. Small, short-lived, but undeniable. “I know I was a job, Blue. Now. Dallas told me what he learned about you, and everything fell into place. You’re lucky I didn’t find you that night, or you would have woken up with your balls stuffed in your mouth. You’re also lucky I know how to extract promises from my darling husband. He would have done much, much worse to you. He’s quite savage, you know.”

“If he wants a go at me, he’ll just have to get in line.”

Rubbing her hands over her swollen stomach, she said, “When it comes to the women in your life, have you learned your lesson?”

“I like to think so, yes.” He watched as Evie linked her fingers with Tyson’s and pulled him toward the elevators. This time he offered no resistance.

When they disappeared around the mirrored wall, Blue pushed to his feet. “It’s been nice chatting with you, Noelle, and if there’s ever anything I can help you with, please let me know. But right now I have to go.” He didn’t wait for her reply but zeroed in on Tiffany.


BLUE COMPELLED TIFFANY TO go to his car, then to sit quietly during the fifteen-minute drive to her house. She didn’t even protest when he jabbed a needle in her thigh and injected her with the isotope, even though he might have used more force than necessary. Hate this girl.

One task checked off his to-do list.

He parked at the curb, studying the row of town-homes. They were tall, well-manicured, and semi-attached brownstones. Tiffany’s was easy to spot, because there were two armed guards at the door.

“You will tell them you want me inside, that I will be spending the night, and they aren’t to disturb us.”

“Yes,” she said, eyes glassy and voice monotone.

Couldn’t be helped. He stepped outside, walked around, and opened her door. From this angle the moon wasn’t as bright and the stars weren’t as sparkly. Even better, the sidewalks were abandoned.

He threw an arm around her shoulders and walked her to her door. The guards watched him warily.

“I want him inside,” Tiffany said. “He will be spending the night, and you aren’t to disturb us.”

If they noticed the lack of inflection in her voice, they made no comment.

She swept inside and Blue moved in behind her, closing and locking the door.

He tugged her into the living room, just in case the guards were listening through the metal. “Do you have any servants?”

“No. We’re alone.”

“What about your brother and your father? Will they be paying you a visit?”


Too bad. “Tiffany, you are tired. You will go to sleep now, and when you wake up, you will believe we had amazing sex.” That way, if he needed to see her again, she would be more likely to agree.

“Tired,” she said, then yawned. “Sleep. Sex.” Her eyes closed and her knees buckled, but Blue caught her before she hit the ground. He found the master bedroom upstairs, a big, messy space with clothes strewn all over the engineered hardwood floor.

He set her on the bed, stripped her, and messed up the sheets to support whatever sexual tale her mind wove.

As he searched the entire home, he planted bugs in each of the rooms. He looked over the few pictures she had, those of her with her father and brother. Judging by the way Star senior smiled at Tiffany, he adored her—information that could maybe be used against him.

Michael didn’t think Star was the type to cave to demands, but it might be worth a shot.

The townhome didn’t seem to have any secret passages. What it did have was stacks and stacks of clothing, different rolls of fabrics, and device after device loaded with digital sketches.

He looked over a few of the sketches, searching for anything having to do with the Golden Sunrise line—and finding plenty. He fought for control as he read her notations in the margins.

Save discarded cutouts from shoulders and use for decorative edging on skirt.

Cinch the pelt here to accentuate waistline.

Possible to blend the Rakan with silk for softer feel?

Suddenly the front door crashed open. Multiple pairs of footsteps sounded.

Blue dropped the device and reached for his pyre-gun. Three guards turned the corner just as he aimed. He could have fired on the one in the center and taken out the other two a split second later. But there were more guards filing in behind the original trio. He could release an energy ring, shocking everyone in the vicinity, but then he would be drained.

Why risk that if he could talk his way out?

When the first three pointed pyre-guns at him, he held his hands up, all innocence.

“Mr. Star would like to speak with you,” said the one in the middle. “The condition we find the girl in will determine the condition you leave in.”

Well, well. Good thing he’d opted not to go with group electric shock therapy. “What a surprise,” he said with a smile devoid of humor. “I’d like to speak with Mr. Star, too.”

Footsteps echoed from the staircase. Then a man called out, “She’s fine. Just sleeping.”

Blue allowed the men to lead him out of the townhome and into a dark SUV. He hoped Tiffany would be left at home, alone; with his hand at his side, he quickly texted Solo, telling him to go and get her . . . but to be careful. Still, Blue doubted things would be that easy. Most likely, Star would have her moved to a new and private location, kept under a more vigilant watch.

One man slid into the front seat as two sandwiched Blue in back, weapons trained on him.

“Are you afraid?” asked Front. “You should be afraid.”

“I’m hungry. Tiffany was a little wildcat, and I worked up an appetite. You got any snacks?”

Front glared at him.

The guy at his left watched him reverently. “Would you, I don’t know, sign my shirt or something, Mr. Blue? I’ve been a big fan ever since—”

A look from Front shut him up. “We allowed you to keep your weapons per Mr. Star’s orders. But that also means we have the right to defend ourselves if you act up.” He stroked the hilt of his gun. “Please act up.” Copyright 2016 - 2025