Dallas frowned.

“Did we forget to tell you I’m good with poisons and potions?” she asked silkily.

The agent grew a bit uneasy, shifting in his chair. “Truth serum doesn’t work on me. Solo tried it before you got here, and failed.”

“Well, Solo didn’t use this, now, did he?”

Dallas gulped. “What kind of severe side effects are we talking about?”

“Oh, you know. The uze. Growing man boobs. Total hair loss. Penile shrinkage.”

Blue thought she was kidding and smothered a laugh.

“What!” Dallas bellowed.

Evie bent down, puckered her lips, and puffed the white powder in his face.

The agent coughed and hacked until his eyes glazed over and he relaxed in his seat.

“So, Agent Gutierrez,” Evie said with a bright smile, “why don’t you tell us what you know about Solo and Gregory Star?”



“Solo was caged at the circus with my friend Kitten—she’s AIR, you know, and all messed up now. I think she’s hot. That’s prolly why I’ve had so many fantasies about her. Real dirty ones, too, but my favorite is the one of us in the shower, because she drops—”

“What happened to Solo after the circus?” Blue snapped. “Who sold him?”

The agent nodded, all eager to please now. “Gregory Star sold him. Then, after we torched the circus, Solo disappeared with Vika, the circus owner’s daughter. A real pretty little blonde I’ve had fantasies about. See, I’d like to bend her over a—”

“Do you know where Solo is now?” Evie asked, her tone dry.

“Nope. Didn’t see him again until he showed up at my house. He threw his fists of fury around, and when I failed to answer any of his questions, he stomped off and said he’d let the owner of the building have me. That’s Gregory Star, in case you didn’t know. I’ve been following some of his men. Wanted to follow Mr. Star, but he’s been holed up in the country, not even leaving for work. His employees have been coming to him.”

“Why have you been following Star’s men?” Blue demanded.

“Star’s the one who sold Kitten and Solo to the circus. And I think he’s the one that bombed Mr. Black’s house, because, see, that woman, the one that used to work for him, came to me right before she died and said he’d done it and that he was now after her.”

That woman. The assistant.

How could she have known about Star unless she’d helped set the bomb, as Blue suspected?

When the deed was done, she either experienced remorse, with a need to make things right, or fear, with a need to save her own neck.

Okay. Moving on. “How are you able to use voice compulsion?”

“Oh, that,” Dallas said. “The king of the Arcadians fed me blood to save my life, and now we’re, like, totally bonded. I was happy he did it . . . until I was mad. See, he’s married to the current head of AIR, Mia Snow, and she used to be my partner. She wanted me to live and not die, and she didn’t understand that I’d essentially become the guy’s slave and that he’d know every time I had a fantasy about her.”

Evie rolled her eyes. “Is there anyone you haven’t fantasized about?”

“Prolly not. I dated Pagan long before Blue—did you know that?—and I’d be into a three-way . . . four-way . . . if anyone in this room was agreeable. And maybe we could have meat loaf, mashed potatoes, and black-eyed peas after. I’m kinda hungry. And dirty. I could use a shower. And maybe a new pair of briefs. Wait. I’m not actually wearing any underwear right now.”

Blue cut the agent loose. “Discretion is your friend, Agent Gutierrez. I don’t mind you telling Noelle about me, but I would prefer you not tell others. I’ll just have to kill them. I also would prefer it if you stayed away from Gregory Star. I think he’s the one holding John, and I will massacre anyone who gets in my way.”

“If I had a dollar for every death threat I received, I’d be richer than Miss Hot Pants Black,” Dallas said, rubbing his wrists.

What had Evie put in that truth serum? “You’re on your own getting home. But I suggest you be quick about it, because Star’s men plan to raid the building tonight.”

Dallas remained in the chair and tried to catch a dust mote.

Whatever. Blue wrapped an arm around Evie’s shoulders and led her out of the room. “Up next. The meet-and-greet with Tiffany.”

She stiffened.

Why such a telltale reaction?

Thought he’d sleep with the girl?

He gritted his teeth. Can’t be mad this time. I mean, why wouldn’t she think that? You haven’t told her you’ll be faithful.

But why would he tell her something like that? They weren’t even in a relationship! And he’d decided not to start one.

“About that,” she said. “Tiff’s a rich girl and grew up around powerful men. If you go about a meeting the usual way, you’re just gonna be more of the same, and easily forgettable.”

He stopped at the door to swipe up the mask. “Are you saying I’m going to strike out?”

“Was I not clear? I thought I was clear. Yes. You’re going to strike out. That’s why I need to go in first and prep her.”

Prep her? “You’ve got to be kidding me, princess.” He tried to fit the mask over her face, but she shook her head.

“You wear it this time.”

A sharp pang scraped at his chest. She was . . . looking out for him. Putting his safety above her own. “No.” He anchored the material in place and again tucked away her hair. “Returning to Project Tiffany Bang Bang. Madam Prude is actually going to help Himbo score?”

Eyes narrowing, she patted his cheek. “First, you’re not going to score. The job doesn’t call for that.”

It didn’t now, he thought darkly. But later . . .

No. He wouldn’t think about that.

“Second, your gratitude is humbling.”

“Well, I’m a spectacularly humble guy.”

Just before they exited the building he thought he heard Dallas call, “Is it too late to get an autograph?”

* * *

Evie strode along the busy outdoor shopping strip, hands in her pockets, a bounce in her step. The sun glared hotly, making her sweat, but she didn’t care. At a glance, she doubted her own mother would recognize her. Her dark hair was hidden underneath a short red wig, the strands kinky and straining under a ball cap. Dark aviator glasses wrapped around her eyes. Her stained and threadbare clothing had been purchased at a thrift store.

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