Leigh stared at Morgan, her mind slow to accept that he had somehow found them. The rogue vampire looked just as he had the last time she'd seen him: long greasy hair, pale sharp-angled face, and in need of a good scrubbing. She doubted he'd bathed, or changed his clothes, since she'd first met him.

She glanced back at Lucian, her mouth opening to speak then snapping closed as two men filled the doorway behind them. Neither man was as tall as Lucian, but they were both brawny, wide and strong. Musclemen. One had a long wicked knife strapped to his thigh, the other had a sword in hand. Both had the metallic eyes of immortals and looked oddly familiar. Leigh narrowed her eyes as she tried to place where she'd seen them before.

Lucian followed her gaze over his shoulder. His expression was void of any emotion when he turned back. "What did you do, Morgan? Raid a gym?"

"Actually, both Brad and Martin happen to be personal trainers. Or they were back in Kansas before they were turned," Morgan admitted with amusement, then his gaze slid to Leigh and he grinned briefly, enjoying the game before he turned back to Lucian and commented, "Leigh's wracking her mind trying to remember where she's seen them before. But you recognized them at once, didn't you, Lucian? You've always had a good memory. Help her out, won't you?"

"The Night Club," Lucian growled, sounding bored.

The moment he said it, Leigh remembered the two men sitting at the table next to theirs. They'd been close enough to touch the night before... close enough to hear everything they'd said.

"Yes, they heard everything -- that Lucian's men caught my little lovebirds when they ran into car trouble in Iowa, that you planned to leave town and come to the cottage," Morgan murmured, obviously reading her thoughts. His gaze shifted to Lucian again and he grimaced. "Do come in and join us. I'm getting a crick in my neck from sitting like this."

Leigh started to walk when Lucian put his hand on her elbow and urged her forward. The sound of footsteps behind them told her that Morgan's two men, Brad and Martin, had followed them inside. She heard the door shut as it closed behind them. It was a soft click, but in her head had as much power as a prison cell clanging closed. She stiffened in response, and Lucian shifted his hand to her back to rub it soothingly, then said, "Join us?"

"Donny's here," Morgan announced just before they walked around the couch and spotted him.

Leigh gasped in shock at her first sight of the man. The redhead was hunched on the floor in front of the couch, dried blood on his face, arm, and chest from very fresh injuries that were already healing. He was also pale, emaciated, and obviously suffering terrible pain from a need to feed.

"Donny's been a bad boy," Morgan explained. "He disobeyed me and had to be punished."

"You told me to take care of the dog, and I did," Donny muttered.

Leigh stiffened. Until then she'd been too distracted to realize that Julius wasn't about. Now she glanced around the main floor with alarm.

"I told you to kill him," Morgan said harshly.

"There was no need," Donny argued grimly. "He's locked in the bathroom."

Leigh relaxed at this news, but Morgan wasn't as pleased. He gave a tsk of disgust and cuffed him.

"Donny looks hungry," Lucian commented. "Yet the rest of you look well fed."

"You have friendly neighbors. Well... had," Morgan corrected himself with a mean smile. "As for Donny, he can feed when he's ready to kill to do it." He glared at the redhead and added, "If he'd killed the dog as I ordered, he'd be fed by now. Unfortunately, Donny has a problem killing anything. If it weren't for his talent with locks, I'd have killed him. As it is, I need him to teach the skill to one of the other men."

"And then?" Lucian asked, his tone suggesting he knew the answer.

"And then I'll kill him," Morgan said simply.

Leigh stiffened. She and Donny had been friends once, and the redhead hadn't killed Julius, or anyone else from the sound of it. Besides, she wasn't angry with him anymore for dragging her into this mess. If he hadn't, she wouldn't have met Lucian.

Donny's head rose, eyes burning a bright silver blue as he glared at Morgan. "You -- "

"A vampire who won't kill is of no use to me," Morgan snapped. "The dog should be dead. Not being dead means he could still be a problem. What if he breaks out?"

"I hope he does," Donny muttered, and received another cuffing for his trouble.

Straightening from hitting him, Morgan spotted the expression on Leigh's face and sighed. "Oh, don't look so upset. By the time I kill Donny, he'll be glad for it, I promise. He'll welcome the respite from the agony he's suffering."

"It looks like you picked a man with a conscience," Lucian said with amusement, drawing the attention back to himself. "You should've checked his morals before turning him. Not everyone makes a good rogue, Morgan."

"Yes, yes. I know that now," Morgan said impatiently. "Unfortunately, some things can't be tested until the moment arrives. Thank you for the advice, though, Lucian. I shall keep it in mind in future." He paused and tilted his head. "Speaking of futures, yours isn't looking very bright."

Lucian smiled. "Better men than you have tried to kill me, Morgan. I'm still here."

"Perhaps," he allowed. "But those men didn't have the advantage I do."

"Oh?" Lucian asked warily. "What would that be?"

Morgan merely smiled, then turned to Leigh. The next moment, her body began to move forward. She instinctively tried to stop herself and felt her footsteps falter, but then quickly ceded the control she'd briefly had. It appeared she might be able to fight his hold over her now that she was an immortal. But there was no sense letting Morgan know that until it would be of some use.

Recalling that Morgan could read her thoughts, she forced her mind blank, not wanting to give anything away as she allowed her body to do his bidding. Rebellion reared in her, however, when her feet took her right up between his legs, then turned her and sat her down in his lap, but she gritted her teeth and did nothing. For now. It was hard, though. In her mind, this felt much the same as Kenny's abuse. Her dead husband had used fear and his fists to control her. Morgan was using his mind. Both were still all about control.

"Surely it isn't as bad as all that." Morgan said, sounding amused. "Comparing my small liberties to your dead husband's abuses is rather harsh. Don't you think?"

"I think only a sick mind enjoys controlling others," Leigh muttered.

"You have a sharp mouth on you," he commented. "But lovely for all that. I hadn't realized how lovely until this morning."

"This morning?" Lucian growled, and Leigh glanced his way to see that his face was still expressionless, but anger and suspicion were growing in his eyes.

"Yes, this morning," Morgan said, sounding like he was enjoying himself as he added, "I watched you together."

Leigh's gaze shot to Morgan, a seed of horror bursting to life in her mind. Surely he didn't mean... ?

"The little episode on the stairs was quite appetizing," he announced, and she closed her eyes as she realized exactly what he'd meant. He continued, "I was sorry when it ended partway through and Leigh fled upstairs."

"You were here then?" Lucian's question was sharp.

"Yes," Morgan answered easily. "Donny and I arrived at the Night Club just in time to see you and Jean Claude's brood enter. I decided it was prudent to wait for Brad and Martin outside. When they arrived, I sent them in to see if they couldn't find out what was going on. They heard most of what you said, that you'd be taking Rachel's car and going to some cottage, but they didn't catch where. So we drove over to Rachel and Etienne's and waited for you to leave."

"And followed us here last night," Lucian said.

Morgan nodded. "When you stopped, Donald and I stayed to keep an eye on you, while Brad and Martin looked for somewhere nearby to take shelter during the day. We watched through the front window as you made love to Leigh on the steps... Well, at least until she fled upstairs."

Leigh turned her head and peered at the front window beside the door. Like the rest of the house, it had no curtains. But then why should it? No one could see in unless they crept up to the house and played voyeur... as Morgan and Donny had. And they'd seen them on the stairs, she thought, embarrassment making her angry.

"I'm sorry, Leigh," Donny said miserably. "I'm sorry about everything. I -- "

"Shut up, Donald," Morgan snapped. "Just shut up. I'm sick to death of your mealy-mouthed, spineless, whining ways. You were the one who wanted her turned in the first place, then you refused to watch them on the stairs like some goody two shoes little -- " He cut himself off sharply and took a deep breath. He turned back to Leigh and Lucian to continue, "Brad returned shortly after that to tell us they'd located an inhabited cottage nearby."

He shrugged. "The show was over, and you two appeared to be settled in for the night, so we went next door to feed and wait out the worst of daylight."

Leigh first felt rage at what the unknown neighbors must have suffered, and then a grim satisfaction that his disgusting actions had at least made him miss the show he'd wanted to see. And he would have had a fine seat since it had taken place right here on the floor in front of the glass wall.

When the rogue vampire's mouth tightened with sudden displeasure, she knew he'd read her thoughts again.

"So we missed the big show after all," he said, sounding angry again.

"I'm afraid so," Leigh said with pleasure.

"No you're not," Morgan countered. "But I am. It's a long time since I've felt the passion and beauty of life mates joining. I could have slipped into your mind and experienced it with you."

Leigh shuddered at the very idea. She was glad he hadn't and thought he was a disgusting little man for even considering it.

"Oh, now, Leigh," he chided. "Surely you wouldn't begrudge me? Not one who has lost his own life mate? It would be good to feel alive again."

"Lost your life mate?" Lucian asked with obvious shock. "I didn't know you'd found a life mate."

"Oh yes." Morgan released a breath, then said bitterly, "But she wouldn't allow me to turn her. She was very religious and thought it would be a sin against God. Pious little -- " He choked on whatever else he would have said, then added, "I had to watch her age and grow frail, watch time take its toll... Only at the end when she realized she was going to die did she agree to let me turn her, but it was too late then. She was eighty-two and ailing. Her heart gave out while the nanos were trying to reverse it all. She died in my arms."

There was real pain on his face, but more bitterness, and it quickly turned to rage. "The stupid bitch! If she'd just -- " He cut himself off, then glanced at Lucian. "I wasn't willing to wait for another life mate, as you have. I don't have the patience. I have no family. Jean Claude was my only friend and he's now dead. I don't want to be alone for thousands of years in the hopes that someday, maybe, another life mate will come. I'd rather end it."

Leigh blinked. He'd as good as just admitted -- at least in her mind -- that his going rogue was just another form of suicide.

"Well why didn't you, then?" she asked with amazement. "Why harm so many people and take them with you?"

"Because there's still pleasures to be had." Morgan said it as though she were stupid not to realize it. "I thought I'd give some of them a try."

He ran his hand down her arm once more. "Perhaps you could make me smile again."

"What he really means is that he's too cowardly to kill himself, and selfish enough that he wants to take others with him," Lucian said dryly.

"I'm afraid so," Morgan admitted without shame. "Why go alone when I can make so many others miserable, too?"

Lucian snorted with disgust, but merely said, "So I suppose you intend to begin a new nest with these three?"

Morgan glanced at Donny, then at the other two men, before returning his gaze back to Lucian and saying, "Four."

He smiled at Lucian as he ran his hand down Leigh's back, adding, "And the many more I shall turn. A smart man could make himself an army. There are lots of them to choose from. If there's one thing mortals can be counted on for, it's that they breed like bunnies. In truth, it's all they're really good for."

"That and for you to feed on," Leigh pointed out sarcastically.

Morgan shrugged. "You feed on them, too. You couldn't survive without it now."

"I use bagged blood from a blood blank," Leigh snapped. "I don't attack and maul people."

"We can feed from blood banks?" Donny perked up with interest.

"Yes." Leigh frowned as she realized he hadn't known that. Of course, Morgan wouldn't have told him, it would have weakened his control.

"No," Morgan said grimly. "It weakens you, takes away your freedom. The Argeneaus control you through their blood banks."

"Oh please. He's not stupid enough to fall for that." Leigh rolled her eyes, then turned to Donny. "He's been feeding you crap, Donny. You can feed on bagged blood. And you don't have to stay out of daylight, or sleep in a coffin."

"But he said daylight could kill us," Donny said with confusion.

"Of course he did. It helps him control you. It's still daylight now, barely," she added, looking out the window to see the setting sun. "How did you get into the house? You weren't here when we left, it was daylight then, and still daylight now. You must have come out into the sun."

"It was overcast and he said the long-sleeve clothes helped."

Leigh shook her head. "I've been out today in daylight. Full-on daylight when we left for the restaurant for lunch," she pointed out. "It didn't burn me. I'm alive and well."

"Shut up," Morgan snapped, but Leigh ignored him.

"We're not soulless either. It's not a curse, it's nanos."

"Nanos?" Donny asked with bewilderment.

"Shut up!" Morgan caught Leigh by the hair, jerking her head back cruelly in an effort to silence her.

"You're starting to piss me off, Morgan," Leigh said grimly. "This move is rather like something Kenny used to do."

"How unfortunate," he snarled. "Get used to it."

Leigh felt anger build within her. She'd sworn never to be manhandled again. Never to be under another's control. Fury and rage from years of Kenny's abuse reared up in her, but she stamped down on it.

"Are you going to hiss and spit like a kitten?" Morgan asked with interest, tugging her head farther back.

"Keep it up and you'll find out," she answered grimly.

Her eyes sought Lucian. He was stiff and still, a statue of furious stone. She wasn't the only one to notice the way he'd tensed. The two men on either side of him had stepped closer, weapons turned his way.

"Let her go!"

Leigh glanced to Donny, not so much surprised by the anger in his voice as by his courage in voicing it and sticking up for her.

Fortunately for Donny, rather than angered by it, Morgan gave a little laugh and reminded him with glee, "You wanted her turned. She's only here because of you."

"It was a mistake. She was my best friend. I didn't want to lose her. I was wrong. I should have just accepted my fate and left her out of it. You like to hurt people. You -- "

"Yes, yes, I'm the big bad wolf," Morgan said dryly. "And you've seen the error of your ways and regret everything." He turned to Leigh. "Don't you find indecisive men annoying?"

"Mostly, I find men who lie and cheat to keep others in their control annoying," Leigh said, scowling, then added, "And don't blame Donny for my being here now. You obviously don't care what he wants. He isn't why you're here." Frowning, she asked, "Why are you here? What do you want with me?"

His hold on her hair eased and Morgan stared at her a long time. So long, in fact, Leigh was positive he wouldn't answer, but then he said, "You're the first mortal I haven't been able to fully control since my life mate died. You fascinate me. Why can't I control you? I could control your body before, but not your mind, and now... " His eyes narrowed on her face and she felt that ruffling again, then he shook his head. "Now I don't even have full control over your body anymore."

When she stiffened, he admitted, "I felt you resist when I first brought you to me. I know you're just letting me think I'm controlling you and can take it back any time. And you're speaking. You shouldn't be speaking."

So much for the element of surprise, Leigh thought on an inward sigh. It seemed all those years of martial arts training she'd taken since leaving Kenny were going to come in handy after all. The classes had been expensive, especially the first two years while she was on the run and money had been so short. It appeared now, however, that those lessons would be put to good use.

A grunt drew her attention to Lucian in time to see him drive his elbow into the stomach of the immortal with the sword. Leigh didn't wait to see any more. Without even thinking about it, she snapped her own arm down, slamming it into Morgan's throat. The man's eyes went wide with shock and pain and his hold on her hair loosened abruptly.

While he was still stunned, Leigh turned on his lap and drove a thumb into his eye, grimacing at the sensation as the wet orb gave way, but that was as far as she got.

Morgan's survival instinct kicked in and he lunged to his feet with a roar, dumping her to the ground. Leigh instinctively rolled away and out of kicking distance, then glanced back warily. Much to her surprise, Morgan wasn't following her. He couldn't. Donny had launched himself at the man. The two were now struggling in front of the couch. Her gaze shot to Lucian.

He was doing quite well on his own, and she found herself admiring the way his body shifted and rippled as he fought. He really was beautiful. Lucian glanced over his shoulder and shouted something, but Leigh couldn't hear him over the yelling and grunting going on in the room and the barking that had suddenly erupted from the bathroom in the loft. Julius sounded frantic to get out. She could hear the repeated thud of something hitting the bathroom door upstairs, interspersed with the barking, and could imagine the animal hurtling himself at the door. It appeared Morgan had been right to be concerned -- at this rate, the dog would be through the door and downstairs within minutes.

A scream from behind drew Leigh's attention. Donny was on the hardwood floor, blood pouring from his arm and his head though she wasn't sure how exactly he'd been wounded. Morgan's eye was a mess, but it didn't look like Donny had added to his injuries. In truth, Donny appeared to have just kept him busy.

She'd have to give Donny self-defense lessons when this was over, she thought as she crawled to her feet. He fought like an untrained girl, hands flying every which way, his face turned away to protect it. He seemed to think he was having a bitch-slapping session rather than the life and death struggle it was. Morgan was suicidal, but he was also afraid to die, otherwise he'd have killed himself rather than drag in the countless numbers of people he'd pulled into this mess to get the council set on himself.

Honestly, people drove her crazy. How much easier would it have been had he just killed himself and left everyone else out of it? On the other hand, then she never would have met Lucian and fallen in love and --

Well hell, Leigh thought with amazement, this was a fine time to --

A scream from Donny caught her attention, and she saw that Morgan had pulled a knife from somewhere on his person and was trying to cut through Donny's throat. Geez. The guy might be suicidal, but his survival instinct was still strong. She hurried forward and lunged onto Morgan's back, then reached around to put her hands over his on the knife. She pulled, trying to get it away from Donny's throat, but Morgan was very strong. Brute strength wasn't going to work here.

Pulling herself off of him, she kicked, slamming the toe of her running shoe into his throat. Much to her satisfaction, Morgan made a choked sound and grabbed for his throat as he rolled off Donny.

"Thanks," the redhead muttered, wiping the blood from his face.

Nodding, Leigh turned to see how Lucian was doing. He was weaponless, and ducking and feinting with one man with a sword while trying to avoid the other man's knife. Actually, his ability to do so was quite impressive. But Leigh was afraid he'd get hurt. She hesitated briefly, eyes widening as Lucian carried out a move that suddenly put the man with the knife between himself and the man with the sword as he swung at Lucian. Unable to stop himself, the man thrust his sword through the heart of his comrade and all three men froze.

It was then that Leigh made her move. The swordsman's sword was temporarily out of commission, so she approached from the side and slammed her foot into the immortal's knee. Leigh grimaced as it snapped, then shot her hand out, catching him in the nose with the heel of her hand. There was a disgusting crunch and the man hit the floor with a thud. Geez, they should warn you about how gross this could all be, she thought, then gave a start when Lucian gave her a quick hard kiss.

"Thank you," he said as he released her. Then he turned and snatched the sword from the other man and handed it to her. "Keep an eye on these two. I'll go after Morgan."

"Go after -- " Leigh turned to see that in the few seconds when she hadn't been looking, Morgan had regained himself, seen that his side was losing the battle, and was now fleeing for the front door.

Leigh's gaze swung to Donny, who was struggling to his feet to give chase. Lucian saw him, too, and faltered, turning on him.

"Lucian no!" she cried. "Donny hasn't killed anyone. He didn't ask to be turned. He helped us."

Lucian hesitated. "He's fed on mortals, Leigh."

"But he didn't know any better. He hasn't killed anyone, and he certainly hasn't fed well. You heard what Morgan said."

Lucian's eyes narrowed on Donny, and Leigh suspected he was rifling through the redhead's thoughts. She sagged with relief when he nodded and turned to go after Morgan. Sighing, she eyed the two men on the floor and frowned, seeing how quickly they were healing. The one who had been caught by the sword had stopped bleeding and the wound was smaller than it had been. The other was no longer holding his leg, but watching her with a predatory gaze.

Leigh's mouth tightened and she raised the sword as the two men began to get to their feet. The one whose knee she'd broken staggered and winced as he gained his feet, but stayed upright. The other was holding his side, but they were both mobile.

"Leigh, they're fast," Donny warned. "Back up a little."

She stepped back, her eyes darting to the side in time to see Donny pick up the knife the second man had dropped. Gripping it firmly, he moved to Leigh's side and eyed the men warily.

The shorter of the men, the one with the sword wound, smiled. Leigh didn't think that was a good sign.

"You're on your own, little girl. Can you handle two of us?"

"She has me," Donny said through gritted teeth, and the man sneered at him.

"You haven't fed in days. You're useless," he said. "Nope. She's on her own."

Leigh frowned, afraid it was true. Donny would try, but he'd been weak to begin with, and after the blood lost during the struggle with Morgan, was now swaying on his feet.

The other man began to limp to the side. He ground his teeth as he put weight on his leg and said, "You're going to pay for that."

Leigh raised the sword and braced her feet, then glanced sharply over her shoulder as a crash came from upstairs. She'd forgotten all about Julius. His barking and banging had become background noise that she'd hardly paid attention to as the battle unfolded. Now she remembered, and smiled as he appeared at the top of the stairs.

Julius wasn't immortal, but he was two hundred pounds of rabid fury barreling down the stairs. The way the jowls of his silly wrinkly face swung back and forth as he charged didn't seem amusing now, not with his teeth bared in preparation of attack.

"Looks like I'm not alone after all," Leigh commented, and turned back just in time to see the two immortals slip out the sliding glass door and slam it closed before running off down the sand.

"Damn." Donny sighed wearily at the prospect of a chase, then moved resolutely to open the door. Julius didn't even slow down. He leapt from the stairs, crossed to the door in three strides, and raced through the door the redhead had just opened, charging after the two men.

Leigh moved to follow as Donny stepped out behind the dog, then she paused and caught Donny's arm with a frown as the sound of a rotor caught her ear. Glancing skyward, she saw a helicopter dropping out of the sky toward the beach in front of the cottage. The air was suddenly aswirl with sand. It whirled in tornadolike clouds.

As Leigh raised a hand to shield her eyes, she saw the two immortals throw their arms over their faces and drop to the sand. She also saw Julius turn on his heel and charge back toward them. Leigh and Donny rushed back into the cottage, waited for Julius to gallop back in behind them, then slammed the door shut with relief.

"Who are they?" Donny asked with amazement as four men leapt from the helicopter the moment it set down on the sand.

"Lucian's men," Leigh said with surprise, recognizing the two in the lead as Mortimer and Bricker. She presumed the other two were either Pimms and Anders, or the two men who had been watching the train station.

Leigh ran an absent hand over Julius's back as they watched the immortals being dragged back to the helicopter by the two men Leigh didn't know. Then Mortimer and Bricker headed toward the cottage, only to pause and move to the side as Lucian appeared with Morgan in tow. He shoved the man at them and stopped to talk.

"Good. Then it's finally over," Donny sighed. "Morgan was an evil bastard."

"How did you get involved with him?" Leigh asked curiously.

Donny shook his head. "They were in the bar the Thursday before my night off. I served them. On Friday night I went out with friends and ran into them at another bar. They recognized me and invited me back to the house."

He grimaced. "I was stupid. He sold me all this 'live forever, never age, have you with me' bunk... " Donny sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "And I fell for it like a sucker. I didn't realize it would mean his controlling everything and trying to make me hurt and kill people."

He let his hand drop to his side. "I'm really sorry, Leigh."

She frowned. He looked horrible, and lines of pain were becoming permanent around his eyes. He'd been stupid, but he knew it, and the stupidity had brought her Lucian. And a huge family, if she had the courage to take Lucian on and stop dragging her feet like the coward she was acting like.

Leigh glanced out at the men on the beach, her attention focusing on Lucian.

"It's okay," she said at last. "Don't worry about it. It's done now."

"But -- "

Leigh shook her head and repeated, "It's over. There's blood in the refrigerator in the kitchen. Go feed before you fall over."

Donny hesitated, then turned and shuffled to the kitchen.

Leigh was setting the sword beside the chair when he called, "How do I eat this?"

"Slap the bag to your teeth," she instructed. "And have as much as you need."

Her gaze slid outside to see that the men had finished talking. Mortimer and Bricker were dragging Morgan to the helicopter while Lucian walked to the cottage.

The helicopter rotors hadn't stopped, and Leigh grimaced and stepped back as Lucian opened the door to enter. He was quick, though, and little sand got in with him. She heard the door slam shut, but before she could blink her eyes back open, his arms were sliding around her.

"Have I told you I love you?" he whispered against her mouth as she slid her own arms around him.

"If you did, I don't mind hearing it again," Leigh said with a slow smile.

Lucian chuckled, then pressed a kiss to her mouth and said, "I do love you."

"I love you, too," she admitted, and he squeezed her tight.

"Thank you," he murmured finally, then eased his hold enough to raise one hand and caress her cheek. "Are we still dating?"

Leigh smiled at the way he winced as he asked the question, but said solemnly, "I think we've moved beyond dating. We're life mates."

"Oh, thank God." Lucian kissed her properly, his mouth claiming her as his own until Donny's voice intruded.

"So, does my still being alive and not on that helicopter mean you're not going to kill me?"

Lucian lifted his head to spear the man with a glare and growled, "Only if you don't interrupt us again."

"Right," Donny said slowly. "I'll go... " He glanced around, at a loss. "Walk the dog?"

"Sounds like a good idea, Donald," Lucian said dryly as he turned back to peer down at Leigh.

"Call me Donny," the redhead murmured, then patted his leg and moved toward the door, saying, "Come on... dog."

"His name's Julius," Leigh sighed as Lucian pressed kisses along her neck.

"Right. Julius," Donny said, and slid out of the house.

"Leigh?" Lucian murmured, pulling the t-shirt from her pants and pushing it up her stomach.

"Hmmm?" she asked, beginning to tug at his clothes.

"You know how I laughed at the idea of your kicking bad guy butt?"


"You did good."

"Yeah?" Leigh asked, pausing.

"Yeah. Want to work for the council with me? You could be my secret weapon."

"Are you serious?" she asked, surprised.

"Leigh, honey, most of the rogues don't know crap about fighting. They count on the fact that they're immortals and stronger than mortals to get them through. You could really kick some butt with your skills."

She smiled faintly. "You have that much faith in me after one small skirmish?"

"Yes I do," Lucian said solemnly. "Besides, I'd have your back."

"And I'd have yours," Leigh said quietly, then chuckled, and suddenly dropped to her knees before him.

"What are you doing?" Lucian asked with amazement as she unbuckled his belt and began to undo his pants.

"I thought I'd see in what other areas I have talents." She raised her eyes and smiled wickedly. "It seems only fair. You showed me a skill or two."

God, I love this woman, Lucian thought with a smile, then noticed the way she had stilled, a frown crossing her face. "What is it?"

Leigh glanced up with uncertainty, then back to his groin with a sort of horrified fascination. "Well, um... is there something about immortals you haven't told me?"

"What? What do you mean?" he asked with bewilderment.

Leigh shook her head, then leaned forward and said "Hello?" to his groin, only to stiffen again and jerk back as if it had hissed at her.

"Are you talking to my penis?" Lucian asked with disbelief.

"It talked to me first," she said defensively, and frowned. "You didn't mention this little skill."

Lucian decided she must be joking and laughed. "So, what did it say?"

"It said, 'Lucian? Lucian, are you there?'"

He blinked. "Why would it say that?"

"I don't know. It's your penis."

That's when he recalled the cell phone in his pocket. A laugh bursting from his lips, Lucian reached in his pocket to retrieve the phone. "I punched in Bastien's number when we first came in. I figured, if nothing else, it would get you help eventually if anything happened to me. That's why the cavalry arrived in the helicopter. Bastien rallied the troops and sent them the minute he answered the phone and heard us talking to Morgan. I guess he's still on the line."

"Oh." Leigh slumped back on her heels, obvious relief on her face.

Shaking his head, Lucian lifted the phone to his ear.

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