Grateful that Lucian didn't chase after her or press her for explanations, Leigh paused once off the stairs and took a moment to gather herself. Her body was tingling, her heart still racing, and she truly wished it hadn't been that drink Thomas gave Lucian that made him act as he had. Then she wouldn't have had to stop him, and she wished she hadn't had to stop him.

She took a deep breath, held it for a moment, then let it out and tried to distract herself from her body's aching by taking in her surroundings. The second floor of the "cottage" was half the size of the lower floor. It was a loft. There was no wall at the end overlooking the first floor, just a railing.

Leigh had expected two or maybe three bedrooms up here, but it was one large room with an en suite bathroom she could see through the open door on the far wall.

There was a huge bed in the very center of the floor, and then a sound system, television, and the door to the bathroom along the wall on her left. Two sets of drawers rested beneath a row of windows on the far wall, and a closet ran the length of the wall on her right, its surface made up of mirrors. Where a fourth wall would have been, there was the railing; a small table and chairs, as well as a couch and matching chairs, were arranged in front of it.

Though she tried to ignore it, her gaze kept returning to the big red bed. She'd never seen one so huge. Or one that was round, for that matter. It had to be custom made. The sheets must have been, too. It was giving her a whole new perspective on Thomas.

The murmur of Lucian's voice reached her ears, and Leigh stepped closer to the railing to see that he was leading Julius into the kitchen. She quickly moved back when he glanced up, hoping he hadn't seen her, then unzipped the bag she held and began riffling through it in search of the clothes Rachel had promised.

A nightgown was the first thing she touched, and she tugged it out and pulled it over her head without even looking at it, eager to cover her nakedness in case Lucian came up after all. Her top was pooled around her waist, so she simply pushed it off over her hips with her pants, wondering if the cowl neckline of the top would bounce back or forever be ruined.

That worry was forgotten when she noticed how short the nightgown was, and then the two slits in the front that rose all the way up to the bottom of each breast... and that it was see-through. She could see her own damn nipples.

Mouth falling open, Leigh ran forward and dropped the bag on the bed as she peered at herself in the mirrors on the closet doors.

"Lord above," she breathed with something between shock and horror as she regarded herself. She looked like... well, this was... She couldn't believe Rachel would --

The crash of breaking glass made her jump. Tearing her eyes away from her reflection, she turned to see Lucian standing at the top of the stairs, a broken tray at his feet.

"I brought you some aspirin and water." His voice cracked as he stared at her. His eyes were eating her alive, and all the excitement and desire she had been battling since recalling the drink he'd had came rushing back up through her as she let her gaze drift from his swirling silver eyes, to his still naked chest, then finally to the obvious bulge in the front of his tight jeans.

Leigh wondered if he would be as big in real life as he'd been in her fantasy, and shivered with anticipation. She knew her eyes were as hungry as his own when she lifted them to meet his gaze, but couldn't seem to help herself.

A growl slipping from his lips, Lucian stepped over the tray and broken glass on the floor and started toward her. A little frisson of panic sliced up her back, and she began to back away around the bed.

"We can't, Lucian."

"You want me."

"Yes, but -- " Wrong answer, she realized when he rushed toward her. Whirling, Leigh hurried around the bed to keep him from touching her. If he did, she knew all her good intentions would be lost.

"We can't!" she cried, glancing over her shoulder to see that he'd stopped. Then stopping herself, to keep from running around the bed and into him, she eyed him warily.

"Why?" Lucian began to pad after her again, moving slowly, eyes narrowed, a hunter after his prey.

Leigh swallowed and began to back away around the bed. "You don't understand."

"What don't I understand?" His voice was halfway between whisper and growl and brushed over every nerve in her body like a caress.

"This isn't you. You don't want me," Leigh said, glancing over her shoulder to be sure she didn't trip over anything.

"Oh yes, I want you," Lucian assured her grimly. "I've wanted you since the first night. I wanted you on the plane when you lay there so pale and beautiful, I wanted you in the shower, I wanted you in the restaurant. I wanted you downstairs, and I want you now."

Leigh stopped backing away. "Really?"

Lucian halted. They were now facing each other across the bed. "Really."

Leigh hesitated. If he'd wanted her before the drink, maybe the drink didn't matter. Maybe it just increased what he'd already been feeling.

"You don't have a headache," Lucian said. It wasn't a question, but Leigh shook her head anyway, and he asked, "Why did you lie?"

"Thomas gave you a Sweet Ecstasy, and I was afraid you were under the influence," she blurted quickly, silently apologizing to Thomas for tattling.

A slow smile spread over Lucian's face. "You were trying to protect me from myself."

Leigh nodded, then gasped as he suddenly lunged across the bed. Lucian was before her on his knees on the side of the bed in a blink. One more blink and he'd caught her around the waist and tugged her down, tucking her under him on the red satin surface.

"I didn't drink the drink Thomas gave me," Lucian announced, peering down at her solemnly as his hand slipped under the short nightie and slid up along her stomach.

"You didn't?" Leigh asked in a squeak as his caress sent her stomach rippling.

Lucian shook his head as he used his legs to shift hers apart. He settled one leg between hers, pressing it against her as he added, "I saw him make the switch out of the corner of my eye, and even if I hadn't, I would have recognized it for what it was. He didn't think to remove the red umbrella. Only Sweet Ecstasies have red umbrellas at the Night Club."

"Oh," she breathed shakily, then gasped as he bent his head to tongue her nipple through the sheer material of the nightie. "I -- "

"Leigh," Lucian murmured around what he was doing.

"Yes?" she asked vaguely.

He lifted his head and opened his mouth to speak, then paused, his eyes sliding over her before he breathed, "You're beautiful."

"Thank you," she said softly, then noticed the frown that touched the edges of his mouth.

"But pale."


"Hmmm. You need blood. I don't want you biting me. At least, not for the wrong reason." Suddenly he was off the bed and striding to the stairs.

Leigh sat up and stared after him with amazement, then sighed and slowly slid off the bed as he bent to collect the tray he'd dropped. Most of what he'd been bringing had stayed on the tray, she saw as she approached. Still, there were a couple of bits of glass and spots of water on the floor.

"Watch your feet," he ordered gruffly as he straightened with the tray. He peered down at the floor, suddenly stepped up to her and bent to catch her around the hips with one arm, then straightened.

"Hey!" she cried as she fell forward over his shoulder.

"I don't want you to cut your feet," he explained, but she could hear the amusement in his voice, felt his breath on her hip as he spoke, and knew he was looking at her behind. Then she felt his hand slide over one butt cheek.

"Lucian!" she squawked, pushing against his back.

"Don't squirm, you'll make me drop the tray," he said, and Leigh definitely heard laughter in his voice. His hand was now taking great liberty with her vulnerable position; sliding, squeezing, caressing...

She bit her lip and tried not to squirm under his touch as he started toward the stairs.

"There's no glass here, you can set me down," she pointed out as soon as Lucian started down the stairs.

"Too dangerous here. Better wait till I get to the ground floor," he said lightly, pinching one cheek.

Leigh growled and pinched his butt in retribution as she watched the stairs slide by beneath her.

Lucian didn't set her down until they reached the kitchen, then placed the tray on the table first before setting her down on the counter.

"Stay," he ordered, and turned away to the refrigerator.

"Yes, master," Leigh muttered, scowling at his back.

Lucian chuckled. "I like the sound of that. Master. It has a nice ring."

"Hmmm." Leigh grimaced. "If I thought you really meant that, I'd kick you in the butt."

"You could try," he allowed, turning back from the refrigerator with two bags of blood. He popped one to her teeth as she opened her mouth to respond to his challenge. He then popped the other to his own mouth, his eyes traveling over her in the indecent nightie as his teeth drained the bag. Neither of them could speak, but he didn't have to speak for her to know what he was thinking as his gaze shifted over her body. The man's eyes were going white silver, swirling with the molten color she was beginning to recognize. His eyes were hungry.

Uncomfortable sitting up there on display, Leigh pushed him back and slid off the counter. Lucian tried to catch her with his free hand, but she managed to evade his grasping hand and slid from the kitchen area, to move to the glass wall. Lucian followed, as she'd expected he would, stopping so close behind her she felt his heat along her back as she stared out at the lake.

When his hand slid around her waist, Leigh leaned back into him, then blinked in surprise as she saw their reflection in the window. She took in the picture of herself with him at her back, then raised her eyes to his to find them staring back. She drew her eyes from his and glanced at their bodies as his hand slid up toward her breast. She watched the reflection with fascination as his hand closed around the soft mound. She saw her body arch, pushing her breast invitingly into the caress before she even realized she was doing it.

When his other hand suddenly appeared in front of her face, she blinked at it with confusion, then glanced up to their reflected faces to see that his blood bag was gone and her own -- while still in her mouth -- was empty. Leigh took the bag out of her mouth and let him take it, glancing to the side as he tossed it on the coffee table next to his own.

She started to turn toward him then, but his hand tightened on her breast, the other going to her shoulder to hold her in place and keep her facing their image in the glass.

Stilling, she watched as he brushed the hair away from her neck and bent to press a kiss there as his hand loosened on her breast and continued to caress her.

Leigh had never thought of herself as an exhibitionist, but there was something erotic about seeing Lucian's taller, wider body framing hers from behind. There was also something exciting about watching his hands and mouth move on her as he bent his head to her neck. She swallowed hard, her bottom pressing back against him as her back arched, pressing her breast into his hand.

Lucian raised his head and met her gaze in the mirror for the briefest moment, then shifted to watch himself as he pulled one strap of the naughty little nightgown off her shoulder. The triangle of gossamer cloth covering her breast dropped away, and even in their faded ghostlike image, she could see how hard and erect her nipple was, revealed to the cool air.

She expected Lucian to touch her bare skin, to toy with the nipple now revealed, as he was doing to the cloth-covered breast, but he didn't. Instead, his hand drifted down her stomach, then pressed the fine net of the nightie between her legs as he cupped her.

Leigh groaned, her eyes trying to droop closed, but she forced them open, watching with fascination as her body responded, writhing and pushing and shifting as it came alive to his touch. Her legs shifted farther apart of their own accord, giving him better access and allowing him to push the cloth to the very heart of her, and she gasped and bucked against the caress. Then Lucian pinched the nipple of her still cloth-covered breast, and her eyes shot up to watch what he was doing there. It was only then that she realized she was panting. She could see her chest rising and falling quickly in the window, see her arms reaching back as she grabbed at him with her hands, both of them only able to reach the side seams of his black jeans. They were tight and there was no give in the material, but she still managed to dig her fingers in, forming handholds for herself, which she tugged at as he continued his caressing ministrations.

Exciting as it was, it was frustrating, too. Leigh wanted to kiss him, wanted to touch him, wanted... After an unbearable moment, she released one hand from his jeans and raised it to catch him behind the head. She pulled it down, then turned her head, offering her lips to him, silently begging for a kiss.

Lucian complied, his mouth closing over hers, but they were at an awkward angle. She wanted more. She wanted a proper kiss and tried to turn again, but was even more trapped by his caresses.

When Leigh dug her nails into the back of his skull in frustration, Lucian abruptly shifted, taking her in his arms and kissing her as she wanted to be kissed, his tongue thrusting into her mouth and staking its claim.

Leigh moaned, her body singing as he cupped her behind and lifted her, pressing her against him. She could feel the hardness of him grinding against her tender flesh, and wanted to wrap her legs around his hips and rub herself against him.

Even as she had that thought, Lucian tipped her back, his mouth pulling from hers and dropping to claim the little roseate pearl jutting out from her exposed breast. Leigh cried out, her hands clutching at his head and shoulders with excitement, then he turned his mouth to the other breast and did the same thing, this time through the cloth, and she blinked her eyes open in surprise at the sensation. Were he to ask her then which she preferred, she would have been hard-pressed to know. But then, at that moment she would have been hard-pressed to know her name.

Feeling the floor beneath her feet again, Leigh blinked her eyes open with surprise, immediately finding their reflection in the glass. Lucian had dropped to his knees, setting her back on the floor as he went. His wide back was a marble sculpture in the glass, half hiding her body, then he dropped to his haunches and her upper body was fully exposed. Leigh lowered her head, then stiffened and gasped as he lifted the short skirt of her nightie and pressed a kiss to the curls there.

When Lucian caught her upper legs in each hand and opened her up to his attentions like a book, she cried out and started to fall, but there wasn't far to go. While he'd held her off the ground, he'd backed her up to the couch. She sagged against it as his head dipped between her legs.

Leigh's mind went on hiatus. All ability to think died. All she was aware of was need. The need he was creating... and that seemed to swamp her... and then other needs that clamored to be heard. Her hands were fisted, nails digging into tender flesh, needing something to touch and hold onto. But there was only his head, and she was afraid she'd pull his hair hard and dig her claws into his scalp and hurt him, so refused herself that contact. Her lips wanted attention, too, wanting to open under his. If she'd had a pillow, she would have bitten it, but there was nothing near enough to bite.

Her frustrations built with her excitement as his mouth and tongue moved over her, then he suddenly pushed a finger up inside her and white light exploded behind her eyes. Her body was wracked with jolt after jolt of raw pleasure, and Leigh screamed, the sound piercing in her own head. It was echoed by Lucian as his teeth sank into her flesh. Then, like a supernova, the light went out and she felt herself falling.

Lucian woke with a start. He felt the cold floor hard under his back and the warm body splayed on his chest, and smiled, his eyes still closed. Leigh. His gift from God. His future. He would wake to find her warm by his side every morning from now on. They were life mates.

The knowledge left a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest, and he slowly opened his eyes to look at her.

Her cheek was plastered to his chest, her mouth open and drool slipping from one corner. Her hair was a tangle of snakes around her head... and she was perfect. She was also pale again, he thought with sudden concern.

He'd bitten her, Lucian recalled. It hadn't been intentional. As he'd pleasured her, their minds had merged and he'd experienced what she felt. Every lick, every nibble, every caress had resonated through him, guiding him in his efforts and rewarding them as well.

He had forgotten that aspect of having a life mate. Knowing their pleasure, sharing it, bouncing it back so they experienced it anew, and then your own pleasure on top of that. Their mind then bounced it back again. It went back and forth, stronger each time, until the mind couldn't handle it anymore and the mutual orgasm was mind-numbing.

In that moment, as the world shattered and dissolved around him, he had instinctively sunk his teeth into Leigh's tender flesh. It happened on occasion, however -- not being a newbie -- he'd had enough sense to pull back before he consumed too much blood.

He had a vague recollection of falling back on the floor then, Leigh sliding down with him, then he'd blacked out. That wasn't unusual either, although it was more common for a new turn who wasn't used to the extremes of pleasure immortals could experience. Lucian wasn't a newbie, but it had been so long since he'd enjoyed the pleasures of the body that he was practically a born again virgin. Fortunately, Greg had been right and his body had known what to do. It looked like he hadn't needed those books after all. He knew without a doubt he'd satisfied Leigh.

A soft murmur from her drew his gaze back down, and Lucian once again noted her pallor. He might not have taken much blood, but between her turning and the exertion, Leigh needed to feed anyway. So did he, Lucian realized.

Easing out from under her, he grabbed an afghan off the couch, covered her with it, then got to his feet and went to the kitchen to fetch blood from the refrigerator. He consumed two bags there, then retrieved two more and returned to the living room.

Leigh hadn't moved a muscle since he'd left her side, and Lucian smiled at her limp state. Kneeling beside her, he slid an arm under her and lifted her up so her head lay over his arm, her mouth dropping open. Of course, her teeth weren't there, and he hesitated, then leaned down and breathed by her nose, hoping the scent of blood on his breath would be enough to bring them on. It worked, and Lucian relaxed as he watched her teeth slide out, then popped a bag of blood to her fangs and held her while she fed.

The second bag was to her mouth and almost empty when Leigh started to wake. She blinked her eyes open and murmured something unintelligible around the bag, and Lucian smiled. It was only a moment before the bag was empty, and he removed it.

"Good morning," Leigh said huskily as soon as she could speak.

"We didn't sleep that long," Lucian told her quietly. "I think we were only out for ten minutes or so."

Leigh shrugged. "It's still morning."

Lucian glanced over his shoulder to see it was true. The sky was lightening, the sun sending streaks of light ahead to warn of its approach.

"What are we going to do about the windows?" she asked, glancing around at the wall of glass.

"They're specially treated," Lucian assured her. "The UVs can't get through. It's safe."


He glanced back to see her smiling shyly, then she dropped her gaze, cleared her throat and murmured, "Thank you for... I'm sorry I didn't -- I'm not usually so selfish in -- I mean, you didn't get to -- I should have -- "

Lucian chuckled and silenced her stumbling apologies for what she thought had been a one-sided activity with a kiss. The passion immediately leapt back to life between them, but he broke it off before he could get carried away and forget to say what he wanted to. He responded to each of her stumbling attempts at apology one after the other.

"You're welcome. I did. You weren't selfish, and I did get to... "

When Leigh blinked at him with confusion, he explained, "We merged, Leigh. I experienced everything you felt -- including the orgasm -- as my own."

"You did?" she asked with surprise.

Lucian chuckled and nodded. "I'm not surprised you didn't realize it. The first time is overwhelming. You'll be able to tell next time."

"So there will be a next time?" she asked shyly.

"I certainly hope so," he said solemnly, brushing one finger lightly down her cheek and drawing her face up. "Right now if you like. I want to make love to you as the sun rises and burns away the night."

Leigh gave a little shiver, then slid her arms around his neck and pressed up to rub her breasts across his chest.

"I'd like that," she whispered against his mouth, then Lucian kissed her.

She was heat and life in his arms, her body soft to his hard, delicate against his strength. Growling into her mouth, Lucian eased her back on the rug in front of the couch, and lay on his side next to her as he kissed and caressed her. Her skin felt like warm velvet under his fingertips, but it was alive, muscles and flesh rippling as his palm slid over her stomach. He closed his hand over one breast and kneaded it gently as he thrust his tongue into her.

Leigh gasped into his kiss, her body arching upward as her own hands began to move up his arms, then down his chest, and then she opened for him, her mind merging with his, and he knew her desire to caress him and kiss every inch of him, and he smiled around their kiss. She felt perfect, tasted perfect, smelled perfect, was perfect for him.

Lucian rolled forward and slid one leg between hers, urging them apart as his thigh rubbed against her. He felt one of her small hands drift down his stomach, and his abdomen rippled in anticipation, then stilled on an indrawn breath as she closed her fingers around his hardness.

Leigh murmured her pleasure into his mouth and tightened her clasp on him, then drew her fingers down his length. Lucian bucked under the caress and felt her own hips buck in response as she experienced his pleasure.

Unable to concentrate on their kiss anymore, he tore his mouth away and shifted to suck mindlessly at any flesh he could find; her neck, her shoulder, her breast. His fingers were kneading the flesh of her breast with mindless excitement as he suckled her, his hips continuing to move under her caress. It was too much, it had been too long, and the earlier round had barely taken the edge off. If they continued like this, he knew he would spill himself in her hand and would not get to make love to her properly, their bodies merging like their minds and becoming one.

"Yes," Leigh gasped, now as aware of his needs as he was of hers. She shifted her legs farther apart and tugged at his erection, urging him to enter her, but Lucian resisted. Instead, he slid a hand down between her legs and brushed his fingers lightly over the folds there. She was wet and ready for him, but still he resisted, taking the time to torture them both just a little bit more as his fingers slid between the folds and caressed the hard nub at the center of her desire.

Leigh cried out, her hand tightening around him and her hips bucking, and Lucian was hard-pressed not to bite down into the flesh of her breast as his own body was washed with waves of need, both hers and his own. Giving up any attempt to draw it out, he shifted abruptly, settling between her legs as her hand dropped away and moved to clutch at his shoulders.

Lucian paused there, above her, and peered down into her face. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement, her eyes spilling golden fire, and her mouth was open as she gasped with desire. He suddenly wished he was a painter and could paint her just like this, then he bent to cover her mouth with his own and drove into her.

Leigh was tight and hot, her body gloving him and squeezing around his flesh as if to keep him there as she thrust her own hips up to meet him and they both groaned at the shared feeling. Then he slowly withdrew, only to thrust back in again, this time shifting forward as he did, so he rubbed against her sensitive nub. The result was electrifying for them both, and Leigh clutched at his shoulders, urging him on.

Laughing breathlessly into her mouth, Lucian withdrew once more, and did it again and again, the excitement becoming more unbearable with each movement. Leigh's nails scored his skin and she tore her mouth from his, pressing it to his shoulder instead as her legs wrapped around him, changing the angle again, then he drove into her once more and stiffened, his head rearing back and a roar slipping out to match the scream ripped from her throat as the pleasure snapped, consuming them.

When it finally rippled away, Lucian's body went limp and he rolled to his side, taking her with him so that she lay splayed across his chest, her head on his heart. His last sight as his eyes closed was Leigh's face framed in the sunlight spilling through the window.

Something wet and rough slid along her cheek.

Leigh scowled and opened one eye to discover she was lying on the rug on the living room floor, an afghan tucked around her and Julius standing over her, giving her wet doggy kisses.

"Ewww, Julius. You have doggy breath," she muttered, and pushed his head away. Unoffended by her comment, he gave her face one more lick, then turned and trotted out of sight around the couch. Leigh lay still for a minute, frowning as she woke up enough to realize she was alone there on the floor. Lucian was gone. Then she became aware of the sound of spattering grease and someone humming.

She sat up and glanced toward the kitchen, eyebrows rising at the sight of Lucian in an apron and nothing else as he puttered around by the stove. She could smell food.

Leaning forward, Leigh snagged his shirt from the end of the couch, where it landed when he'd discarded it last night, and shrugged into it as she got to her feet. She only did up two buttons, since it was large enough to drape over her without needing more done up, and followed her nose into the kitchen area on silent feet.

Despite her silence, Lucian heard her and turned to glance over his shoulder as she crossed to his side.

"Good morning." His voice was a growl as he slid his eyes over her, then his left arm snaked around her waist and pulled her close for a kiss. When it ended, he eased his hold and peered down at her. "You look much better in my shirt than I do."

"You think so?" She slipped her arm around his back and leaned into him as he slid a hand through the undone front and ran his fingers lightly over her belly.

"Are you hungry?"

Leigh grinned cheekily, her hand slipping down over his bottom, but then she made herself behave. He was talking food. It was obvious he'd been cooking. Besides, now that he mentioned it, she was hungry. Turning, she peered into the frying pan and blinked.

"What -- " She snapped her mouth closed on asking exactly what he was cooking as she stared at the blackened mess in the pan. Clearing her throat, she said instead, "I'm surprised there was food here. Surely they don't keep food here all the time in case someone comes around?"

Lucian shook his head and turned back to scrape some of the charred mess off the bottom of the pan and move it around. "It was delivered about half an hour, forty-five minutes ago."

"Delivered?" She glanced at him with surprise. "I didn't hear anyone."

"You were dead to the world," he said with a grin, then added wryly, "Actually, I was, too. I think he must have been knocking awhile before it roused me and I answered... naked."

When Leigh's eyebrows rose, he smiled and shrugged. "I guess I wasn't that awake yet. Gave the delivery guy quite a start."

Leigh smiled, but asked, "Did you order the groceries when we arrived last night?"

Lucian shook his head. "Bastien. He's the plan man. Etienne called him last night after we left and let him know what was going on. He apparently called and ordered both food and blood to be delivered."

"Ah." Leigh nodded and ran her hand up and down his back, but her gaze slid back to the pan. Lucian sighed beside her.

"I was hoping to make you breakfast, but it appears I'm a failure as a cook," he admitted, his expression unhappy as he contemplated the mess. Then he frowned with frustration and said, "I don't know what I did wrong. I kept turning it and turning it and still it burned."

"Ah... well... " Leigh reached to the stove and lowered the heat from high to medium. "This is the temperature best for cooking. Or lower."

"Halfway?" he asked with doubt. "Wouldn't that make it cook more slowly?"

"Yes. But it also doesn't burn."

"Oh." He frowned.

"It's all right," she said with a shrug as she reached out and turned off the burner. "We can make some more. I'll cook."

"There is no more."

Leigh peered down at the pan. She thought it might be two charred eggs and three strips of bacon curled up in their black death. There was something else, but she didn't recognize it at all, except to know it wasn't bacon.

"They delivered only three strips of bacon?" she asked with disbelief.

"Well... no," Lucian admitted with a frown. "This is the fourth batch I've tried to cook. They all kept burning up, though, so I threw them out and tried again, and again... " He gave her an apologetic smile. "Sorry."

Leigh smiled, a slow, soft smile, and leaned up to kiss him softly on the lips. "You're so sweet."

Lucian blinked in surprise, then slid his arms around her and kissed her properly.

"Mmm," she sighed as they broke the kiss. "I'm starved. Let's go out for breakfast. I'll buy."

"I'll buy," Lucian growled, scooping her up into his arms and starting across the floor.

"We'll flip for it," Leigh countered as she slid her arms around his neck.

"Hmm," was all he said, and she kissed the corner of his mouth again, chasing his scowl away.

"Did I tell you what Etienne told me about the bed in the loft?" Lucian asked as he started upstairs with her in his arms.

Her eyebrows rose. "No."

"He said there are straps on it."

"Straps?" Leigh asked with confusion.

"Hmmm. The satin sheets are slippery and there's no headboard to brace yourself against, so Thomas had straps put on the bed to hold onto... or to tie someone down with." Lucian grinned wickedly as her eyes widened. "How hungry are you?"

Leigh considered, a slow smile drawing her lips wide. "Well, I am hungry, but I think I can wait a bit. What did you have in mind?"

"Dessert first."

"And what are we having for dessert?" she teased as they reached the top of the stairs and he carried her toward the bed.

"Well, I don't know what you're having, but I'm having a little Leigh." He then dropped her on the bed and came down on top of her. Copyright 2016 - 2025