It was a lovely Spring day, and there were many things going on today. My friends Taylor and Nicholas, were out here in the woods with me, and just seeking out feet away from myself. So that way if there were any Angels out here, they'd know. But there was a female who was stalking my mate, the Werewolf friend of mine. Taylor said that we were supposed to be together, but I figured it kind of odd. So over time, Nicholas's and my friendship had developed into something more that we meant to. Because Nicholas had been acting stranger that usual, he was starting to rub against me more. Hold my hand, and growl whenever a female Angel came across our path. But he had always pushed me to ask out females of my own kind, now he was sheilding me away. Taylor looked fine about his behavior, but it confused me and wasn't natural. He would only do that to females of his own kind, that he loved or had a crush on his lover. Maybe he loved me, but couldn't admit it though.

Or maybe he was taking this thing a little too far, "Hey, Ash!" Nicholas shouted.

"What is it Nicholas?!" I shouted back.

"We found something that Nicholas doesn't like!" Taylor shouted. Copyright 2016 - 2025