Nathan placed a hand on the man’s shoulder. “Don’t despair. We can help you rebuild.” He glanced over to Kelly’s brother for confirmation.

Frank cleared his throat. “Of course. A contingent of Rangers and researchers are going to remain here after we head into the jungle. As guests here, I’m sure they’ll be more than willing to haul in supplies with their helicopters and lend you manpower to rebuild the village out of the ashes.”

The man’s words seemed to strengthen the padre. “God bless you.” He wiped his eyes and nose with his handkerchief.

“We’ll do all we can,” Kelly assured him. “But, padre, time is of the essence for us, too. We hope to begin tracking the dead man’s trail before it grows any colder.”

“Of course, of course…” Garcia said in a tired voice, and stood. “I’ll tell you all I know.”

It was a short talk. The padre explained as he led them past the altar to the common rooms of the church. The dining room had been converted into a makeshift hospital for smoke-inhalation victims, but no one appeared seriously injured. Garcia related how he had convinced a few Indians to track the dead man’s trail, in case the fellow had any companions out there. The trail led to one of the tributaries of the Jarurá River. No boat was found, but the tracks seemed to follow the offshoot’s course, heading west into the most remote sections of the rain forest. The Indian trackers feared going any farther.

Kelly leaned on a window overlooking the rear garden. “Can someone show us this tributary?”

Garcia nodded. He had washed his face and seemed to have collected himself. Steel had entered his voice and demeanor as the initial shock wore away. “I can get my assistant, Henaowe, to show you.” He pointed to a small Indian.

Nathan was surprised to see the man was Yanomamo.

“He was the only one of the tribe who remained behind,” Garcia said with a sigh. “At least the love of our Lord Jesus was able to save one of them.”

The padre waved his assistant over and spoke rapidly in Yanomamo. Nathan was surprised at how fluent the priest was in the dialect.

Henaowe nodded, agreeing, but Nathan saw the fear in his eyes. Saved or not, deep-seated superstitions still ruled the man.

The group proceeded back outside, the damp heat falling upon them like a wet wool blanket. They skirted around the helicopters to find the Rangers had been busy. A line of rucksacks, heavily packed, lay in the dirt. A Ranger was positioned behind each one.

Captain Waxman was inspecting both his men and their gear. He spotted the group and straightened. “We’re ready to head out whenever you give the go.” Waxman, in his forties, was pure military: stone-faced, broad-shouldered, his field uniform crisp with pressed creases. Even his brown hair had been shaved to a stubble atop his head.

“We’re ready now,” Frank said. “We’ve got someone here to set us on the right trail.” He nodded to the small Indian.

The captain nodded and turned sharply. “Load up!” he called to his men.

Kelly led their group to another row of backpacks, each about half the size of the Rangers’ rucksacks. There, Nathan found the last members of the expedition. Anna Fong was in deep conversation with Richard Zane, both in matching khaki outfits with the Tellux logo emblazoned on the shoulders. To their side stood Olin Pasternak, sporting a clean but clearly well-worn set of gray coveralls with black boots. He bent down to pick up the largest of the packs. Nate knew it contained their satellite communication gear. But as he hoisted the pack, the man’s attention was not on the fragile gear, but on the expedition’s final member…or rather members.

Nate smiled. He had not seen Manny since they had left from São Gabriel. The Brazilian biologist had been on one of the other Hueys. The reason for the separate flight was clear. Manny waved to Nate, a whip in one hand, the other holding a leather leash.

“So how did Tor-tor handle the flight?” Nathan asked.

Manny patted the two-hundred-pound jaguar with the side of his whip. “Like a kitten. Nothing like the wonders of modern chemistry.”

Nathan watched the cat wobble a little from the aftereffects of the tranquilizer. Stretching forward to sniff at Nate’s pant leg, Tor-tor seemed to recognize his scent, and nuzzled him half drunkenly.

“The big fellow’s always had a thing for you,” Manny said with a chuckle.

Nate bent to one knee and rubbed the cat’s jowls, cuffing him lightly under the chin. This earned him a growled purr of appreciation. “God, he is so much bigger than the last time I saw him.”

Olin Pasternak scowled at the beast, then mumbled under his breath and turned away, clearly unimpressed by the newest addition to the team.

Nathan straightened. Tor-tor’s inclusion had been a hard sell, but Manny had persisted. Tor-tor was close to being sexually mature and needed to log more jungle time. This trek would be of benefit to the cat. Additionally, the jaguar had been well trained by Manny and could prove of use—both in protection and in tracking.

Nathan had added his own support. If the team wished to convince any Indians into cooperating, the presence of Tor-tor could go a long way toward winning them over. The jaguar was revered by all Indians. To have one accompany the expedition would give the team instant validity.

Anna Fong had agreed.

Slowly Frank and Captain Waxman had been worn down, and Tor-tor was allowed to join the expedition.

Kelly eyed the cat from a safe distance. “We should gear up.”

Nathan nodded and picked up his own small pack. It contained only the essential supplies: hammock, mosquito netting, a bit of dry rations, a change of clothes, machete, water bottle, and filter pump. He could travel months in the jungle with little else. What with the wealth of the forest readily available—from various fruits and berries to roots and edible plants to abundant game and fish—there was little need to haul additional food.

Still, there was one other essential piece of equipment. Nathan hooked his own short-barreled shotgun over a shoulder. Though the team was backed by the Rangers’ weaponry, Nate preferred to have a little firepower of his own.

“Let’s get going,” Kelly said. “We’ve already lost the morning putting out the fires.” The slender woman hefted her own pack to her shoulders, and Nate couldn’t help but stare at her long legs. He forced his gaze upward. Her pack had a large red cross printed on its back, marking the team’s medical supplies.

Frank ran down the line of civilian team members, making sure all was in readiness. He stopped in front of Nate, pulled out a faded baseball cap from a back pocket, and tugged it in place. Copyright 2016 - 2025