​ That afternoon she visited the downtown library and looked up old unsolved murder cases on their filmstrip with the same kind of murder and weapon and behold she had a list of old victims and suspects. The suffocation victim was a suspect in a fifteen year old muder of Allison Block her high school best friend but the police couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she did it . the hanging victim Joann Atchison was a suspect of helping a college classmate to committ suicide by hanging from her college room balcony and the police didn't have enough evidence to hold her either..

The male electrocution victim was thought to have killed his girlfriend by throwing a lamp into a tub of water while she was taking a bath. The police theory was he wantd her insurance money but her room mate told the police that she always was using a lamp too close to the tub and figured it was probably an accident so he wasn't charged with a crime Yes he did get her insurance money After reviewing the evidence from Kim Mac's police gut instinct said that his sister was dead to right the only thing he didn't know was who was responsible for the recent string of murders.

There was a few leads on who may be the next victims but he couldn't very well put several people under watch so it was a sit and wait game.with the many protential victims.Mac started a surveince on his cold case file investigators .Mac requested all police officers uniform and equipment retailers list of officers ordering or coming into their business that had bought several pairs of handcuffs. Sheriff Johnson was going to collect the same data through the department's budget department When requesting new equipment all officers had to use their badge number on the request form.

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