​ The Hardings arrived at the station and decided that they would work from Mac's office in the cold case unit where they had more privacy. They grabbed a cup of coffee and settled into Mac's office with the door closed and locked and started going through the file one at a time. The autospy report was picked through with a fine toothed comb. No water was found in the man's lungs meaning his head wasn't under the water when he was electrocuted. They ordered testing on the handcuffs to see if they could traced where the handcuffs was bought at.when the phone rang and it was the sheriff.

​ Another victim was just found behind a dumpster at the local homeless shelter. Mac and Kim went to the scene and found one of their kitchen helpers a man in his fifties was handcuffed to the handle of the dumpster and had been beaten in the head several times by what looked like a claw hammer. The weapon wasn't found at the crime scene Kim remembered that she had been volunteering at the homeless shelter during her senior year in school when another homeless young man just out of school was found eactly the same way and the case was never solved if her memory was right.

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