​ Mac told he had his blessings to ask her out but as you said I know how to use a gun so I don't have to worry about you being a gentleman at least untull you get to really know her right. Brad's response was yes sir I will be a true gentleman.untill they were committed to each other.

​ Mac contacted the man's bank and was informed that he needed a judge order before they could release the information. He asked the sheriff to meet him at the court house. They eplained to the judge that he was a suspect in seven murder cases and maybe as many as fourteen and needed him to sign the order to find out the man's name then a search warrant for the man's house . When the sheriff told the judge he might be a dirty officer the juddge signed the order without thinking another second about it.

​ Mac drove to the bank and had the man's name and address then went back to the courthouse to have the judge sign the search warrant. The man worked at the sheriff's office as a jailer. They knocked on his door as soon as he got home. They did a through search of his house and retrieved the gun, a chainsaw, a claw hammer, a knife, and two left handed gloves that could be tested to see if they were the match to the two right handed gloves.

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