When Domenico had come between him and the human woman, Enrico had felt he was facing death and the memory chilled him, enough to keep him from making another move at the bitch – or at least not when the Moretti bastard was there to see it.

Aurelius said tiredly, “We are now ending the meeting.” He stood up, and the others followed suit. Domenico immediately moved to help Misty out of her seat.

The simple act of courtesy made her heart ache.

Domenico was immediately concerned, having scented her unshed tears. “Sweetheart, what is it?”

That gentle caring tone made her want to cry harder. She knew that all these little acts of courtesy were an innate part of Domenico. But Misty also knew now that those acts of courtesy would be misinterpreted by other Lyccans as a sign of weakness.

He was weak because of her.

She smiled up at Domenico, her voice just a little shaky as she answered, “I’m just thinking of what I could say to the Faeries about this meeting.”

Domenico tucked loose strands of her hair behind her ear. “You can say whatever you want, cara. There is nothing for you to worry about. I’ll always be here to support you.”

And that was the problem, Misty thought, struggling even harder to keep her tears locked in. Domenico Moretti was not meant to support her. He was destined to lead the Lyccans, but how could he when she had become his Achilles’ heel?

Oh God. Did he realize now how wrong he had been to choose her? She couldn’t even begin to fathom what made Domenico think she would be such a big help to him that he had taken pains to keep her at his side. If anything, marrying her had done the opposite for now Domenico was without a pack to lead.

“Domenico?” It was Aurelius, and he was looking questioningly at Domenico.

Domenico glanced at Misty with a frown. “I have to talk to Aurelius about the Caros. Do you think you could wait for me just for a few minutes---”

She tried to keep her voice normal as she asked, “How about I hitch a ride with Alessandro instead? I’d like to visit your family and mine while we’re here. That way you can also take as much time as you want with your meeting.” It was a lie, but it was also a good decision especially with the way Domenico appeared relieved at her answer.

“That’s a wonderful idea. Maybe we can all have dinner together before we go back to the realm?” At her nod, he called for Alessandro, who promptly came to his side. “Would you drive Misty home? I’m tied up here but I’ll follow as soon as I’m done. We’ll all have dinner together before we return to the realm.”

“Of course.” Alessandro offered his arm to Misty with a twinkle in his eye. “Shall we go now, Princess?”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not a princess.”

Alessandro answered seriously, “You always will be in our eyes, Misty. Always. And don’t you forget that.” Then he paused. “But I still can’t believe how in the world you became such a war freak with the Faeries.”

Misty turned red. “I am not a war freak!”

He rolled his eyes. “Did I or did I not just see you start a fight with Enrico Fiarino?”

Domenico allowed himself to smile as he followed the two from behind, enjoying the way his younger brother bantered with Misty. It was a pleasure he used to take for granted but not anymore.

When Alessandro’s limousine slid to a stop in front them, Misty turned impulsively to him. “Domenico?”

He lifted a brow.

She tiptoed to kiss him, knowing by the way he stiffened that she had taken him completely by surprise. “Thank you,” she whispered against his lips before practically running away. Inside the limousine, she saw Domenico staring at her, a bemused expression on his gorgeous face. But what really made her want to weep was the tender light in his eyes.

“You still love him,” Alessandro said triumphantly as the limousine drove past the gates of the Castellano residence.

Instead of answering him, she said quietly, “I need a favor, Alessandro.”


Lyccan Hall was bustling with activity when they arrived. Numerous curious glances went their way as they entered. It wasn’t before long when what she feared did happen.

A Lyccan wolf-whistled – and of course it truly did sound like a wolf – at the sight of her. “Domenico Moretti’s Delilah,” he sneered. “I wonder how really great you are at bed that you made the Moretti prince turn into a sex slave.”

Misty gasped. But before she could answer, Alessandro was pulling her past the other Lyccan. As they went further and further in, the insults became more and more offensive until Misty was literally shaking in her effort to control herself.

Where’s your puppy?

Have you chained Domenico Moretti to your bed? Is he a good little pup fit to lick your feet?

Do you ask him to “roll over” for some kinky fun? How about asking him to let another man f**k his ass? Wouldn’t that be fun?

She so badly wanted to fight with all of them, but she couldn’t, not when Domenico’s own brother wasn’t saying a word in his defense. Alessandro did not even appear bothered. Inside the office reserved for the Moretti pack, Alessandro quietly asked all the others to leave.

When they were alone, she burst out, “Why didn’t you let me answer any of them? They all need a good swift kick to the backside if they thought they could get away saying things like that about Domenico.”

Alessandro said gently, “But they can.”

She whitened. “What do you mean they can?”

“It’s been like this since you were gone.” Alessandro gave her an apologetic smile. “For a while, I blamed you even. The first months had been the most difficult. I couldn’t understand why Domenico wasn’t beating them all up. I thought…” His lips twisted. “I thought you made him weak. I thought he was weak.”

The pain Alessandro’s words caused was so great she almost doubled over because of it.

“For a time, we didn’t even talk. I couldn’t bear looking at him. I hated seeing him so f**king weak.”

The tears started to fall. She couldn’t bear imagining how Domenico felt when he heard all those insults. Why was he letting them get away with it? Why?

“And then I fell in love, the same way my brother fell in love with you---”

“Alessandro---” She suddenly wanted to cover her ears.

“And that was when I understood. All of this…” Alessandro inhaled sharply. “It’s simply meant to atone for what he did to you.”

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