Davis was quiet for a moment. “All right, McCall. Whenever you’re ready.”

Nick spotted two men he would’ve recognized anywhere enter the radiology department and hurry toward the checkin counter. “I’ve got to go, Mike. We’ll have that talk soon.” He disconnected his phone and watched as the younger of the two men gestured angrily at the clerk behind the desk.

Apparently, Kyle Rhodes didn’t like being told he couldn’t see Jordan, either.

Nick walked over. Nice way to meet the family. He’d seen the camera crews pulling up at DeVine Cellars as the ambulance had pulled away—someone had obviously alerted the media.

“Mr. Rhodes—if I could have a word with you, please. It’s about Jordan.”

Both Grey and Kyle turned around. Jordan’s father looked the same as he did in Time, Newsweek, and the Wall Street Journal, with his distinguished silver and blond hair and tailored suit. Kyle, who was dressed in cargo pants and a dark gray sweater, looked ready to brawl with anyone who got in his way. An interesting contrast to Jordan, Nick mused. Sure, she was sarcastic, but she seemed far more cool and levelheaded than her twin brother.

Grey looked Nick over questioningly. His eyes held on the gun harness Nick wore over his shirt. “And you are . . . ?”

He held out his hand. “Special Agent Nick McCall. First off, you should know that your daughter is going to be fine.” He saw both Kyle and Grey exhale in relief. “Jordan’s been through an ordeal, but she is . . .” Incredible. Strong. Smart. Gorgeous. Hot as a firecracker in bed.

Probably better to keep that part to himself.

“. . . quite tough,” he finished.

Grey Rhodes shook his hand cautiously. “Thank you, Agent McCall. Yes, she is.”

Nick gestured to an alcove where they could speak without everyone’s eyes on them. “Why don’t we talk over there, where it’s more private?”

The two men followed him. “They’re saying on the news that my sister was attacked in her store,” Kyle said once they were alone. His concern for Jordan was etched in his face. “Does this mean the FBI is investigating the case?”

“It’s more complicated than that. Jordan was attacked by a man named Xander Eckhart, a local businessman. You may know of him. There was a struggle, and she suffered a broken wrist and a bruised cheekbone. Eckhart had a gun, but Jordan was able to stall him until we arrived at the scene.”

Kyle and Grey exchanged shocked looks.

“But Xander and Jordan are friends,” Grey said. “Or certainly close acquaintances. She attends his charity fund-raiser every year.”

“This was a jealousy thing, wasn’t it? I’ll f**king kill Eckhart,” Kyle said. “I’ve been to his clubs a few times, and he always asks me about her.” He turned to his father. “I bet it’s because he saw her at his party with this new guy—Mr. Tall, Dark, and Smoldering or whatever. The jerk-off who isn’t talking to her.”

It took all of the jerk-off’s undercover skills not to react to that. “It wasn’t because of jealousy,” Nick said. “Not directly, anyway. Eckhart attacked Jordan because she was cooperating with the FBI in an undercover investigation in which he was the target. Eckhart somehow learned of Jordan’s involvement in the investigation and wanted revenge.”

“An undercover FBI investigation?” Grey repeated. “How could my daughter help you with something like that?”

“We needed access to an office that Eckhart keeps in the lower level of Bordeaux. The party was our only opportunity, so Jordan agreed to bring along an undercover agent as her date.”

Grey’s eyes were steely cold. “That sounds very dangerous, Agent McCall.”

“It sure does.” Kyle took a step closer to Nick. “Five months ago, I got a nice taste of the courtesies the FBI extends to the Rhodes family. So let’s cut the bullshit. What kind of threats did you bully my sister with to get her to cooperate in your investigation?”

Normally, Nick didn’t take too kindly to hotheaded excons who invaded his personal space. But this particular hotheaded ex-con happened to share DNA with his girlfriend, so he was willing to play nicer than usual. “I didn’t threaten your sister, Kyle.”

“Oh, I suppose she decided to help you out of the kindness of her heart,” he said sarcastically.

“If you want to know Jordan’s reasons for helping us, I suggest you ask her yourself.”

“Trust me—I plan to.” Kyle’s voice rose as he pointed to the corridor that led to the X-ray rooms. “Because my sister is in there with a broken wrist, and from what I’m hearing, she narrowly escaped being killed. All because the FBI put her in the line of fire. So I’d like to know why she would ever agree to help you unless—”

He stopped as a look of realization crossed his face. “No.” He pointed emphatically. “Do not say that she did this for me.”

Nick didn’t have to say anything else.

Kyle took a step back and ran his hands through his hair. He said nothing for a moment. Then he wiped his eyes as he looked up at the ceiling, shaking his head. “Goddammit, Jordo.”

Grey cleared his throat and looked pointedly at Nick. “I’d like to know more about this undercover agent who posed as my daughter’s date. The ubiquitous Tall, Dark, and Smoldering.”

Nick put on his best meet-the-parent smile. “I generally prefer to go by Nick.”

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