An annoyed look crossed Kyle’s face as he ignored the voice.

“Yo! Sawyer!” The inmate was quickly silenced by the approach of an armed guard.

Jordan made no attempt to hide her grin. “I think someone’s trying to get your attention.”

“I don’t answer to that name,” Kyle growled.

“Maybe if you would just cut your hair,” she offered faux-sympathetically.

“Fuck Josh Holloway,” he nearly shouted in frustration. “I’ve worn my hair like this for years.”

“Getting a little loud over here, Sawyer,” a guard warned as he passed by their table.

Jordan watched, amused, as her brother simmered at a low boil. “But the hair worked for Sawyer, because they were roughing it on the island. Although I think there had to have been some sort of salon or spa in the Others’ camp. I mean, they performed surgeries on people; I would assume they could’ve rustled up a decent pair of scissors for a haircut somewhere—”

“I swear if you don’t let this drop, I’ll ban you from my visitation list.”

She laughed at the likelihood of that ever happening. “You’ve been stuck to me like gum on the bottom of my shoe since birth. What would you do without my charming wit to cheer you up every week?”

She peered up as an inmate in his midthirties stopped at their table. As soon as he spoke, she recognized the voice of the man who’d been yelling across the room.

“So you’re the sister.” He looked her over appraisingly and smiled, managing to look harmless enough despite the black snake tattoo coiled around his right forearm. “Help me out with an introduction, Sawyer—let’s do this proper.”

A guard called over from across the room. “I’m not telling you again, Puchalski. No talking to the other guests.” With a regretful look over his shoulder, the inmate shuffled off.

Jordan turned back to Kyle. “I take it Dad was here on Monday?” Unless something urgent came up, her father was as regular a visitor to MCC as she was.

“Sounds like business is better. I think the fallout is finally subsiding,” Kyle said, referring to the fact that their father’s company had not surprisingly taken a hit the previous financial quarter. Strange, how people tended to get ticked off when the vice president of a computer software corporation—and the CEO’s son—was indicted and imprisoned for hacking.

Jordan was about to answer when Kyle turned in his chair to get more comfortable. She noticed something—a faded yellow bruise along the left side of his jaw. She looked down at the table and saw the telltale cuts on the knuckles of his right hand. “You got in another fight.”

“It’s no big deal.”

“Doesn’t look that way to me. Let me see that.” She reached out and touched his chin to get a better look.

“Jordan, you know you can’t—”

Just like that, the guard stood beside their table. He frowned at Jordan. “Sorry, ma’am, no contact.”

She pulled back her hand. “Sorry.” She took a deep, steadying breath. Normally, she handled the whole prison routine as well as could be expected, but every once in a while it got to be a bit much. Like when she couldn’t even check to see if her brother was hurt.

“What happened this time?” she asked Kyle after the guard left.

“Just some talk that got out of hand,” he said dismissively. “Some people have nothing better to do around here than run off at the mouth.”

“Kyle, you’re smarter than that.”

“That’s what Mom said to me when I came home after fighting Robbie Wilmer in the sixth grade. My first black eye.”

“Well, since Mom’s not here, you need to hear it from someone else.”

“I’m not trying to get in trouble, Jordo.” Kyle looked her in the eyes. “But this isn’t Jane Addams Elementary School. There are different rules here, and if I want to survive the next fourteen months, I’ve got to play by them.”

How tempted she was right then to tell him about the deal she’d made with the FBI. Not another fourteen months. Just one more week. But she kept her mouth shut. “Did the fight get you in trouble again with the guards?”

“A little disciplinary segregation never hurt anyone. You were about to say something else right then.”

He really did know her too well. “I was going to yell at you some more, but decided it would be a wasted effort.”

“Why do I think there’s something you’re not telling me?”

“Because you . . . have a lot of time on your hands these days so you look for mysteries where there are none?” she suggested.

“Or maybe I’m just really insightful. And if you’re hiding something from me, Jordo, I’ll figure it out.”

“Thanks for the warning, Mr. Insightful. If only you could use your ‘insight’ to keep yourself out of prison from now on, that would be helpful.”

Kyle squeezed her hand. “Aw, I’m so glad you came, sis. You have no idea how much I enjoy these little visits of ours. Ah . . . crap.”

The guard was back at their table.

Kyle took his hand off hers. “I know, I know. No contact.”

Jordan peered up at the guard. “What’s with all the rules? You’d think we were in prison or something.”

The guard’s stoic face remained unchanged as he turned and walked away. Copyright 2016 - 2024