Giddon looked chagrined. "I guess I got in a hurry."

Sarah snorted. "I guess." When her gaze returned to Lisa, her features softened into a warm smile. ""I washed your clothes. They're lying on your bed. Why don't you go take a warm shower and I'll have a hot meal ready by the time you're done."

Lisa blushed. "You're so nice, but I hate to impose. I'll be glad to pay you for all you've done." She lifted her purse, forcing a smile. "My car was burned out, but Mr. Giddon found my purse."

Sarah gave Giddon a stern look and then returned her attention to Lisa. "I'm sorry about your car and the rest of your things, but please don't mention money. As I said, I enjoy having a female around. Now, go take your shower before you catch your death of cold. Your lips are turning blue!"

Lisa brushed past Giddon without looking at him. As if she hadn't been a burden in enough ways, now she had Mrs. Giddon upset with him. He could hardly be blamed if he chose to make her walk home.

In the shower, she lifted her face to the warm water. Her numb body was beginning to tingle and her strength was returning. The braids had to be untangled in order to shampoo the mud from her hair. In retrospect, Giddon's intent may have been to console her. His kiss was no more out of line than her response. Hard as it was to admit, the embrace and the kiss had been comforting. Whatever the reason, the kiss had awakened her as effectively as the prince did sleeping beauty. It was a strange feeling to realize she had been in a cocoon for weeks. Nothing existed around her during that time but numbness. That numbness was gone and the pain was now a conscious throb.

Turning her face to the shower, she cried again. Not the long deep sobs of earlier, but a cleansing cry. Somehow it actually felt good.

Refreshed from the inside out, she dressed and combed her hair with her fingers. It looked like sheep wool, but it would have to do. Opening her purse, she found the cell phone and pulled it out. To her relief, the face was lit up and there was still one bar. Feeling guilty, she used the card Len had given her and dialed his number. The phone rang several times and then dropped the call. She tried again with the same results. Was it the location or the fact that it needed charged? The auto charger was in the car, but she had a plug-in type at home. Not that it would do her any good. Did Giddon have a cell phone? Probably not or he would have used it. Strange, all this luxury and no cell phone. It only strengthened the idea that he was the caretaker, not the owner. Copyright 2016 - 2024