Knowing it would be difficult. It would have helped greatly if he was odious, cigarette smoking and pudgy, but instead he was cream cheese frosting on top a red velvet cake, lots of cream cheese.

My heart crashed violently against my rib cage as I got a whiff of his cologne, instantly I felt light headed, but I held it together.

We walked silently to the elevator, his hands shoved casually in his pants pocket, sleeves rolled up revealing ink markings on his right arm. I never told me he had tattoos.

"Adela, has everything you ever told me a lie?"

"No" shaking my head too, just in case the word don't come out.

"Then, if I was to take you to my office and fuck you senseless on my sofa you wouldn't mind." pressing the call button, the door opening immediately.

I stumbled on my way in, my cheeks reddening with desire and from embarrassment. I was so going to strangle Jamie when I see her.

"Be careful" taking hold of my arm, steadying me.

I pulled away, standing at the far corner of the cab, folding my arms.

"You didn't answer me."

"I, uh....yes...I mean no" the awareness of him in such an enclosed space prickled my skin, turning my brains to mush. Copyright 2016 - 2025