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Young Hearts

Page 98

"I'm sorry," Joseph said. He reached across the table to wipe away tears she didn't know were there. "I didn't mean it like that. It's hard for me to understand growing up without a TV or telephone or computer. It's like Robinson Crusoe or Gilligan's Island or something. But I'm sure it's great. I mean it would have to be. Look how you turned out."

"You don't know me," she said.

"I want to know you. He smiled at her and took her hand. "I think you're the most wonderful girl I've ever met."

"I don't know about that," she said.

"There's something I want to show you, back in Seabrooke. I think it'll make you feel a lot better." He helped her stand and then led her back to his father's car. Outside, artificial lights of every color lit up the buildings around them, drowning out the stars. How could anyone stand to live underneath this gray-orange sky?

As they left Bangor, Samantha looked down at the floor at the fur-trimmed boots Joseph had bought her. She owed him so much already for making her beautiful and buying her new clothes. He had been so kind and understanding with her. As much as she would like to stay with him longer, she couldn't for the same reason she couldn't stay in Eternity. She didn't want to hurt him the way she would have hurt Miss Brigham nine years ago if Pryde hadn't stopped her. The way she had probably harmed countless people over her years on the run.

"Joseph, I-"

"We're almost there," he said. "I know this sounds weird, but would you put this over your eyes? I want it to be a surprise." He held out the elastic headband she'd bought earlier to keep her longer hair out of her face. For a moment she thought about protesting, but then decided to humor him; maybe it would soften the blow when she told him she had to go.

She put the headband over her eyes, the fabric pressing against her face recalling the memory of Pryde stuffing her into a sack before transporting her to Eternity. Her pulse sped up and her body stiffened with fear. After all he'd done, Joseph couldn't be leading her into some kind of trap, could he? "Where are we going?" she asked.

"To a very special place," he said. "A place my mom and I used to go to when I was little." A place where he'll probably hack me to pieces, she thought.

The automobile pulled off the road and skidded to a stop. Samantha waited until she heard Joseph get out to peek over the top of the blindfold. She saw only snow and trees in the automobile's headlights. I should get out of here before it's too late, she thought. The door opened and he took her hand. "Watch your head," he said.

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