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Young Hearts

Page 191

"She fell into the fountain," David said from behind her. "That's at least what Molly says."

"Is that true?" Samantha asked Molly. The girl nodded and then eased back a few steps until she was standing next to Annie. "How did it happen?"

David recounted the story of Becky visiting the fountain cave to get some water for Molly. A wolf startled her in the cave and she fell into the water. Molly had come along and pulled Becky out, but not before she lost four years. "What about this makeup and the dress?" Samantha asked.

"She and the girls were playing and I guess they got carried away," David said.

Samantha examined the faces about the room from David's face to Molly's petrified face to Helena's nervous face. "Something happened here and I want to know what," Samantha said. When no one said anything, she smacked her palm against the wall. "What happened?"

"They tortured her," a small voice said. Samantha looked over at Annie, who seemed more surprised than anyone that she'd spoken. "Helena and Phyllis and the others tied her up and did that to her and then put her in the pantry."

"Is this true?"

"Yes," Molly said.

Samantha turned to David. "You knew about this?"

"No, of course not," he said. When she tried to look him in the eye, his darted away. Her fists clenched as she thought of hitting him in the face. Him first, then Helena, and then Phyllis for torturing Becky. She looked back at where Rebecca lay motionless, Prudence now at her side, trying in vain to revive her. Samantha reared back to deliver the punch to David's face; he flinched in anticipation.

Her hand dropped to her side. She couldn't do it. She thought of her swollen eye from when Joseph had hit her and then saw Prudence's arm in its sling. No more violence, she told herself. No more. "We'll talk about this later," she said.

She picked Rebecca up and then motioned to Molly. "Come on, let's get you home." Before leaving, she stopped in front of David. "We need to get the supplies off the ship. Prudence and Wendell will show you where. Round up everyone and get started. Got it?"

"I got it," he said. She glared at him an instant, the urge to hit him rising again. No more, she told herself again. She carried Becky upstairs and out into the night.

As she walked to the cottage, a new understanding replaced Samantha's anger. She could control this rage. She could keep the beast at bay if she tried. She could choose the kind of person she wanted to be.

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