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Young Family

Page 99

"We could search what's left of her shop. There might be something there," Rebecca said.

"Anything in there would be even dirtier than what she has on," Miss Brigham said.

Samantha looked back to Prudence. Seeing her friend's stomach triggered Samantha's memory. Not her distant past, but something much more recent: Pryde's basement. "I know where there are plenty of clothes to fit her." Samantha told them what she had found in Pryde's basement, all those old clothes for women much bigger than Prudence.

"That's wonderful, dear, but I don't think you should go traipsing around in the forest again so soon. It will be dark before much longer."

"I suppose," Samantha said. "She'll just have to go without tonight."

Rebecca put a hand to her mouth and giggled. "Prudence go naked? I don't think so."

Samantha had to admit Rebecca had a point. Prudence would never want to be naked around the others, not for a whole night. If only there were something else they could do. She looked around the church for something that might help. Then she saw it hanging up: Reverend Crane's old robe, hanging on a hook behind the altar.

Samantha took the robe off the hook and then took it over to Prudence. "This ought to fit you."

"I can't wear the reverend's robe. That's sacrilege!"

"It's just for one night."

"Absolutely not."

"You can't wear those old dirty rags all night. I promise tomorrow I'll go back to Mr. Pryde's house and get you something really pretty to wear."

"I don't know-"

Miss Brigham put a hand on her shoulder. "It will be all right, dear. I'm sure the Lord won't mind in this situation."

"I suppose."

"Wonderful." Miss Brigham looked up. "Everyone else will need to go out for a few minutes while we tend to Prudence."

"Why do we have to leave?" Helena whined. "Why can't she go somewhere else? Like the barn."

"That's enough, Helena," Samantha said. "One more outburst like that and I'll take you over my knee."

Helena glared at her, her mouth twitching as though she wanted to say something. She finally turned and stomped out of the church. The other children followed behind, Rebecca helping to shepherd them out. Uncle Hector put a hand on Samantha's shoulder. "I'll be right outside."

"I know."

Then he left too. Miss Brigham brought over a gold bowl with a bottomful of liquid. It had to be water from the Fountain of Youth. Prudence's face paled when she saw it. "Don't give me too much. I don't want to end up like Annie."

"Of course not, dear. We'll just give you a little bit." Miss Brigham dribbled about a teaspoon of the water over Prudence's leg. Samantha held her breath, but there wasn't much change. Prudence's hair looked cleaner, as did her face. She didn't look any smaller.

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