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Young Family

Page 76

"We were all so worried. Helena said you were dead."

"Well she was wrong. I'm just fine. See?"

Annie leaned back and then nodded. Her eyes widened a little as she must have noticed Uncle Hector. "Who's that old man?"

"He's not an old man. He's my…friend. His name is Hector."

"Hi there," Uncle Hector said. "You must be a friend of Samantha?"

"Yes. I'm her bestest friend."

"You sure are." Samantha set Annie on the ground. "Can you run and tell Miss Brigham I'm here?"

"All right." Annie took off running, resuming her shouts of, "Samantha's back!"

Once Annie had gone, Samantha turned to Uncle Hector. "I'm sorry I didn't tell her who you are. I thought it'd be easier to tell Miss Brigham first."

"I get it. No problemo."

"I just didn't want you to think I was ashamed of you."

"Of course not. Now are we going to meet this Miss Brigham or what?"

"Coming right up."

Samantha took up the netting again. She dragged Uncle Hector the rest of the way to the church. She left him out front instead of trying to drag him up the steps. Once Miss Brigham found some fountain water to use on him, then he would be fine and able to walk under his own power.

Miss Brigham appeared just as Samantha set her uncle down. Miss Brigham raced down the steps; Samantha worried she might try jumping on Samantha as Annie had done. "Oh thank God!" Miss Brigham shouted. "I knew He would keep you safe, just as He kept us safe."

"You're all fine? No one was hurt?"

"No, dear. Everyone is fine. Our brave little Rebecca and David herded all the children into the church before the storm destroyed everything." Miss Brigham shook her head. "Such a terrible thing, but we will rebuild. I know the Lord will help us."

"I'm sure," Samantha said. "I have someone for you to meet. This is Hector Delgado. I found his boat washed up on the shore."

"Oh my," Miss Brigham said. Her face started to turn as red as her hair as she looked down at Uncle Hector. Her voice turned girlish, as if someone had used the fountain water on her again. "Hello, Mr. Delgado. My name is Molly Brigham. I tend to the children here. Welcome to Eternity."

"Thank you. I'd get up, but my leg isn't cooperating."

"Oh dear. I see why Samantha brought you to us. We have just the thing to get you back on your feet in no time at all, so long as this awful storm hasn't destroyed my house. I'm afraid I haven't been able to get out there and check yet. Rebecca and David took the older children out to the fields to do what they can, so I've had to look after the little ones-"

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