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Young Family

Page 73

Samantha didn't sleep much that night. Every time she closed her eyes, she found herself trying to conjure up memories of her old life. She tried to see herself on Uncle Hector's boat and living in a kindly old woman's house. The memories refused to come, though. Perhaps in time they would.

She had to resist the temptation to pester him with questions all night. Uncle Hector was in obvious pain and he needed some rest. So while he slept, she paced the beach to look for anything else of use she might find. She didn't turn up anything except a couple of dead fish. They looked fresh enough to eat, so Samantha carried them back to the fire. She found two sticks to use as spits and then began to cook them.

When Uncle Hector awoke in the morning, Samantha had the fish cooked and gutted as best as she could. Without a knife she couldn't do much to clean them. Uncle Hector didn't seem to mind. "You always were resourceful, Lucy."


"Sorry, that's what I used to call you. Short for Lucinda."

"Oh, I see." She smiled at him. "Lucy. I like it."

"Samantha's a pretty name too. If you're not ready-"

"No, it's all right. I need to get used to it."

"I guess with what happened, you had to be resourceful. Your grandma was a nice woman-"


"She died two years ago. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Is there anyone else?"

"I think you have an aunt on your dad's side in Alaska, but she isn't around much. Alaska is pretty far away from Maine."

"And that's where I live? In Maine?"

"You did. You lived in Portland with your grandma. I still have the house. I didn't want to let it go until I found you."

"How big of a house is it?"

"It's not too big. I mean it's not the White House or anything."

"The White House?"

"Where the president lives."

"The president…he runs the country? The United States of America?"

"That's right. You're a quick learner."

"Thanks." She looked over her shoulder, thinking of her animals. "I don't suppose there would be room for a couple of cows and sheep?"

"I don't think the neighbors would like that." A smile came to his face. "You have cows and sheep?"

"I delivered a calf and a litter of lambs." She told Uncle Hector about having to turn the calf around so it could be delivered. Then she told him about the litter of lambs she had delivered when she was nine, though she omitted how little she was from the story. She didn't want to tell him about the Fountain of Youth yet; he might think she was crazy. Once he saw it in action, then he would believe her.

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