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Young Family

Page 61

Before she understood what she was doing, Samantha began to run along the edge of the cliff to find a way down.


It took her a while to find a path that wound down to the shore. She lost sight of the boat along the way. Her heart sank when she did and she hoped she would be able to find it again. There could be people alive in the boat, fishermen caught in the storm. Those people could take her home, to the mainland.

She found her way down a trail, hopping from one rock to another to make her way down. When she reached the beach, she jumped down into the sand. She took her shoes off to let her big feet sink into the cool, damp sand. She savored this for a moment before turning back to the task at hand.

After walking the beach for a few minutes, she saw the fishing boat again. It seemed to be in the same place as when she had been on the cliff. She hoped it wouldn't break free from the rocks, not yet. If it did, it would likely be swept back out to sea, where it would probably sink. Anyone alive in there would probably drown then.

She quickened her pace with this thought. She broke into a run towards the boat, until she was close enough to almost touch it. She stood in about three inches of water, at least until a wave came in. The wave knocked her sideways, but she managed to catch herself before she could hit the ground.

Samantha slogged forward the remaining feet to the side of the boat. The problem now was to find a way on board. She climbed back up to the beach so she could circle around the rocks to the other side of the boat. She doubted it would have a ladder she could use to climb up.

As she reached the other side, she realized she wouldn't need a ladder. The nets she had seen from up above were still connected to the side of the boat. She threw her shoes onto the boat and then waded into the water. She reached out with one hand to grab one of the nets, clinging to it as another wave threatened to sweep her away.

Once the wave had receded, Samantha scrambled up the net, along the side of the boat. She flopped over the edge to land onto the wooden deck just a few feet from the cabin. For a moment Samantha lay on her stomach, panting from the effort.

Once her strength had returned, she got to her feet. She found her shoes on the deck, one lying next to a dead fish of some sort. She took the fish by the tail with one hand, keeping it well away from her as she hurled it back into the sea.

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