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Young Family

Page 48

That was why she had fallen down here. The Lord had sent her down here because she had strayed. She had said awful things to Samantha, her best friend in the whole world. But she had been on her way to try and remedy that when the storm hit and she ended up down here. Perhaps God hadn't believed she really wanted to work things out with Samantha. Perhaps He thought Prudence hadn't been sorry enough in her heart.

This was her penance. Reverend Crane had often preached about the need to be disciplined. That was how you steeled your body against evil. These sermons usually came when a child had to be punished for a crime against The Way. The reverend or Mr. Pryde would whip the offending child in the main square with everyone watching. According to Reverend Crane, the pain they endured, like the pain Christ had endured before the crucifixion, would cleanse the offender's soul.

Prudence didn't have a whip down here. She didn't have anything she could use to cleanse her soul. Perhaps, though, once she had endured enough pain down here, God would send someone to rescue her from the pit. She closed her eyes and imagined an angel with fluffy white wings and a golden halo descending into the pit. She grabbed the angel's hand and then felt herself ascending out of the hole.

A familiar growl interrupted her daydream. She looked up to see yellow eyes glaring down at her. The weather must have cleared enough for the vicious creature to return. Its teeth flashed at her to remind her what awaited her should she reach the top of the pit. Or perhaps it would tire of waiting for her and jump down to finish her off.

Prudence knelt down in the mud. She planted her forehead against the side of the pit and held out her arms in supplication. "Lord, please see it in your heart to free me from this terrible pit. I have tried to be a worthy servant of you. I promise if you release me from this place, I will try even harder to spread your glory. I promise I will make things right with Samantha and I will never speak another word in anger again. I will stop eating so much. I will be kind and helpful to all of the other children and Miss Brigham. Please, Lord, please."

The only answer to her prayer was another growl from up above. Undeterred, Prudence continued to pray. It was her only chance for salvation.


Rebecca felt something heavy and warm against her body. She assumed it was her blanket and tried to lift it, but it was too heavy. For that matter, it was too thick. She opened her eyes to find an arm draped over her.

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