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Young Family

Page 133

When Samantha and Uncle Hector got back to the village, Wendell had great news: the Lady Jane would be ready to sail tomorrow morning. "We just need to give the patching some time to harden," Wendell said.

"That's wonderful news!" Samantha shouted. She crushed him in a hug. She released him a minute later to hug Uncle Hector. "We're going home!"

"That's right, kid. We're going home."

Samantha dispatched the older children to gather some wood for a fire. "We're going to have a party," she said. "A going away party."

It was only later Samantha noticed Prudence, Rebecca, and Molly still had not returned. "They haven't been back here?" she asked Annie.

"No. Are they in trouble?"

"No, of course not. I'm sure they're fine."

But Samantha was worried. This wasn't like them at all. She thought of that trap Prudence had fallen into before. She wouldn't be so stupid as to fall into another one, would she? Even if she didn't there were plenty of other dangers around the island, especially for a baby and a girl who didn't know her way around.

Rebecca could take of them. She had spent more time exploring the island and she had a good head on her shoulders. A head that should have known better than to pull a stunt like this. Were they really so mad at her they'd risk their lives and Molly's life?

"Can you watch the children for a while?" she asked Uncle Hector.

"Sure, kid. What's up?"

"I have to find Prudence and Rebecca."

"They still aren't back?"

"No. I'm getting worried."

"I can go look for them-"

"You don't know the island like I do."

Uncle Hector sighed and then nodded. "Just be careful, Lucy. I don't want to lose you."

"I will."

To be on the safe side, she found a piece of wood that was long enough and heavy enough to use for a club. She draped a piece of netting over her shoulders like a shawl as well in case she needed to help Prudence out of another hole. Then she set out to look.

She worried about Molly the most. Miss Brigham was just a baby now, probably not even a year old. Samantha doubted Prudence and Rebecca had brought milk and diapers to care for a baby. By now Molly was probably very cranky. In another day or so she might be dead.

Despite her concern, Samantha knew better than to run into the forest. Now was not the time to panic. She had to keep her wits about her or else she'd end up lost in the forest right along with Prudence and Rebecca-if they were lost. By now they might have fallen off a cliff or met a number of other terrible fates.

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