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Xavier Cold

Page 3

“That’s not going to happen,” I retort. “If I’m not there, Anna isn’t going. You don’t need her.”

“Fine.” He shrugs. “That’s on you, but I will fire her if she doesn’t show up, and when your suspension is lifted, I will not allow her back into the building during any of our shows.”

I narrow my eyes. “You can’t do that. That’s blackmail.”

He releases a bitter laugh from the back of his throat. “Have you forgotten who you’re talking to? I own Tension. I can do whatever I please.”

I drag my fingers through my hair.


What in the hell am I supposed to do here? I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. There’s only one real option left.

My eyes lock with his. “Maybe I should quit then.”

“To do what? A man with a temper like yours needs this job, so don’t be ridiculous. Anna is imperative to the storylines. That’s it. Play along and do as I ask for the next three months, and all will be forgiven. Then, you can get back in the ring and go after that championship spot.”

I shake my head. I won’t sacrifice being with Anna for the sake of my job.

I open my mouth to tell my boss this very thing when Anna leans forward and quickly glances at me before turning her attention to our boss.

“That’s a generous offer, sir. We’ll figure out a way to make it work. I will be at the shows. I don’t want to jeopardize my privileges to be backstage with Xavier when his suspension is lifted. Being with him is all that matters to me.”

“Anna . . .” I say her name like a warning.

She stares at me. “I know what you’re thinking, but I’ll be fine. I can handle things while you’re gone. Besides, it won’t be forever. We’ll be apart for only a few days out of the month. We’ll get through it.”

“Listen to her, X. She’s smart, and she has your best interest in mind.”

I know she does.

Anna has been nothing but good for me. I trust her. I absolutely loathe the idea of her being at Tension without me, but what other choice do I have than to agree right now? Being hotheaded has done nothing but fuck things up for me, so I need to learn to be sensible. So, I’ll put on a front that I support this until I can talk some sense into her.

“Fine. But after my three-month suspension is over, you have to give me a chance to win the belt.”

I know it’s ballsy for a man in my position to make any demands, but being the champion is something I still really want.

“Of course. The fans would expect nothing less. I’ll see to it that whoever possesses the belt—”

“I don’t want just anyone. I want Rex in the ring.” That’s one part of my deal that has to be crystal clear. There’s only one person I want to see in that ring when I return, only one person I want to inflict some pain on while I strip him of the thing he values most in this world.

He nods. “That would make an epic showdown. I’ll grant that request—as long as you heed my warning and stay away from the show until your suspension is over, and I’ve had time to promote the buildup of your return.”

The car pulls up at the hotel and parks in front of the entrance as I mull over his stipulation. Staying away from Anna is the last thing I want to do. Not a day has gone by since I met her that we haven’t been together, and as much as I don’t like it, I know I have to allow this to happen. But I swear to God, if Rex fucks with her in any way, no one will be able to pull me off of him the next time.

“Understood,” is all I say before I open the car door and let myself out. I stretch my hand to help Anna out of the car. “Come on, beautiful.”

Anna clings to me as we head back to our hotel room. I kiss the top of her head as we wait on the elevator. As fucked up as this situation is, it could’ve been a hell of a lot worse.

Chapter 2


Locked away in our hotel room, there are no prying eyes.

I finally have Xavier all to myself.

I wrap my arms around him, needing to feel his skin against me.

When I saw the cops carting Xavier out of that fight in handcuffs, my entire world crumbled before my eyes. We’d finally been getting to a good place, and then all hell broke loose and shook up our world.

Kneeling down in front of Xavier on that mat earlier tonight was the worst moment of my life. I hated seeing him lose control, jeopardizing everything he’d worked for. That cut me to the core. It should’ve never gotten to that point, but Rex wouldn’t back off, and Xavier isn’t the type to back down.

The thing I hadn’t expected was for Xavier to say he loved me. It crushed me—that the second he’d admitted how he felt about me, he was being hauled off to jail.

“You don’t know how scared I was that I was going to lose this,” I whisper as Xavier holds me tight and the events from the match feel like a distant memory.

He rests his chin on top of my head. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’ll find my way back to you . . . always.”

His words make me melt right on the spot. If someone would have told me that the overly sexual beast of a man that I met on the plane would say words that make me swoon—obliterate my panties sure, but promising to always be in my life?—well, I never would’ve seen it coming.

It’s like what had happened to him in the ring somehow changed his perspective on everything. He was always so reluctant to make any type of promises or commitments before, even once telling me that he wasn’t the marrying type. This feels like a good step in the right direction for us, regardless of all the craziness surrounding us tonight.

Xavier rubs small circles on my back, and it causes me to sigh before I snuggle into his chest.

“You tired?” he asks.

It doesn’t hit me until then how exhausted I actually am. Tonight’s been stressful, and I’m sure, if I allow myself to close my eyes for even the briefest time, I’d fall asleep on the spot.

But I refuse to let go of Xavier. When I thought they would lock him up and throw away the key, the opportunity to hold him against me anytime I wanted felt like it was quickly being ripped away. So, for now, I choose to stay here, in his presence, breathing him in as much as I possibly can.

I tilt my head up and stare into his light-blue eyes. “I’m ready for bed, but I don’t want to sleep just yet.”

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