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Worth Any Cost

Page 53

The Caribbean would be a nice change.

I got home to find Adam sitting downstairs in the audiovisual room with a book in his lap, patiently waiting for me to return. He’d napped. I could tell by his messy hair.

And he looked yummy—even in board shorts and a long-sleeve t-shirt.

Hunger is the best spice, my mom often liked to say. And when it came to Adam, I was ravenous.

We didn’t make it that far into the movie before realizing that we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. It all started out so innocently, too. Snuggling together in a big recliner made it difficult. His chest was hard, drawing my hands to it as if that was their sole purpose. Soon he was reciprocating, lightly touching my breasts. These advances were not unwelcome.

Adam paused the movie right in the middle of Captain America’s rousing speech so he could pull me into his lap and kiss me soundly. Our lips locked, and I scooted up his lap, settling right against his prominent erection. God, he felt so damned good.

He rewarded me with deep groan as I rocked against him. This sex blackout had been torture. Only a few more days.

But some make-out time wouldn’t hurt, would it?

Adam’s hands were up my shirt, slipping inside my bra to tease my nipples. But he didn’t seem satisfied with that level of access. His tongue pushed deeper into my mouth as his hands grew more frantic. With a growl, he tugged on my bra, and the garment creaked in protest.

“You’re going to break it,” I muttered against his mouth.

“I don’t fucking care. I will buy you dozens of bras. I need to suck on your nipples.” He tugged again, and the plastic piece holding the strap on snapped. “Now.”

“Yes, sir.” I laughed, leaning back to pull off my shirt and bra in one fell swoop.

“Ohhh, yes…that’s what I’m talkin’ about.” He reached up and cupped me with his big hands, fingers closing firmly over my breasts. “Shit…I missed this.”

I leaned into his touch, replying, “Me, too. I was trying to be good and not change in front of you or anything.”

Without another second’s hesitation, he leaned forward and fixed his mouth firmly on one lucky nipple as I arched my back, closing my eyes and seeing stars. Hot arousal bloomed between my legs as my nipple tightened happily in his hot mouth. Jesus.

“We, uh,”—Gulp.—”We should probably—”

He rubbed the edge of his teeth against my nipple, looking up at me with those burning, dark eyes.

“Oh, fuck.” I groaned. It felt so damn good.

“I’m gonna make you come.”

“You shouldn’t…” I breathed though damn, I wanted that more than breathing right now.

“Why the hell not?”

“Because you can’t.”

He sighed, pulling away. “In two days, the doctor is going to tell me that I’m cleared.”

“I saw the sonogram of your spleen. It was bad, Adam. I want to make sure you aren’t permanently impaired.”

“Sex is not going to impair me. Sex is natural. Sex is good. Sex is best—”

I burst out laughing and ran a hand through his messy hair. “If our roles were reversed, you wouldn’t be touching me with a ten-foot pole. Don’t deny it. I’m not the only overprotective one in this family.” He opened his mouth to protest, but I prevented it. “Who’s the one who insists on doing breast exams on me every few weeks, even though I do them myself at the proscribed times?”

He ran his thumbs over my nipples again. “That’s because I love your boobs. It’s no chore doing an exam.”

“Adam…” I bent to put the tip of my nose to his, but he wasn’t returning my gaze. He was transfixed by what he was doing to my nipples. And I had to admit it felt damn fantastic.

He glanced up, those dark eyes meeting mine. “If you’re going to make me wait for an all-clear, I’m not going to be happy.”

“What would you do? Be honest.”

He gritted his teeth, jaw bulging. I had him, and he knew it.

His hands dropped from working their magic on my chest. I almost cried. “Fine. But if I don’t get any, neither do you.”

I stuck my lip out. “Meanie.”

“Oh, I’m going to be extremely cranky these next few days. Better be prepared for it.”

I stooped to scoop up my shirt from the floor and slip it over my head. “You’ve been legit ornery for the past few weeks already. I’m prepared.”

“And yet you still want to marry me.”

I waggled my eyebrows at him. “Yup. You’re stuck with me, Drake.”

He took a deep breath and let it out in a long-suffering sigh. Reaching around, he grabbed my butt with both hands and pulled me against him. “Best news I’ve heard all week.”

Then he scowled and pushed me off his lap. He wouldn’t turn the movie on again until I moved to my own recliner, declaring me—and my boobs—too much of a distraction.

After I stopped laughing, I complied, warning him that once he got the all-clear, we’d be all over each other.

A storm was coming, and it would be raining orgasms. Hurricane Adam, indeed.


The next day, Adam was still moping as we got ready to go to a lunch meeting. I would have offered him an out to stay home, but he was the one who had set up the meeting in the first place.

And I wasn’t going to this meeting without him. Even if Mom and Peter were going to be there, too.

After a few months of exchanging emails with Glen Dempsey, I’d finally agreed to meet him in person. We’d reserved a room at a local Italian restaurant, La Cucina, which had a window overlooking the cliffs of Corona Del Mar, a golden sand beach.

We stepped into the restaurant, expecting to be the first ones, being that we lived less than ten minutes away. But Glen sat at the table, chatting with my mom and Peter, who had all preceded us. We entered, and Glen shot out of his chair. Peter and Mom followed suit.

I paused, waiting stiffly as Mom introduced us, studying my older half-brother. He did not resemble me in the least. After seeing photos of his other family members, it was easy to see they all resembled their mother.

He was of medium height and stocky build, fair coloring, with the palest blue eyes I’d ever seen. And he had the best smile. Wide, honest, open.

He appeared to be everything his father was not. At least from what I could judge. I knew next to nothing about his father aside from the crumbs I’d suffered to hear from my mother.

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