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Wives and Daughters: An Every-Day Story

Page 58

"I don't know," said Molly, startled at being thus appealed to.

"Well! it was some time before King Alfred, because he was the

King of all England, you know; but, as I was saying, here am I, of

as good and as old a descent as any man in England, and I doubt

if a stranger, to look at me, would take me for a gentleman, with

my red face, great hands and feet, and thick figure, fourteen

stone, and never less than twelve even when I was a young man; and

there's Osborne, who takes after his mother, who couldn't tell her

great-grandfather from Adam, bless her; and Osborne has a girl's

delicate face, and a slight make, and hands and feet as small as a

lady's. He takes after madam's side, who, as I said, can't tell who

was her grandfather. Now, Roger is like me, a Hamley of Hamley, and

no one who sees him in the street will ever think that red-brown,

big-boned, clumsy chap is of gentle blood. Yet all those Cumnor

people, you make such ado of in Hollingford, are mere muck of

yesterday. I was talking to madam the other day about Osborne's

marrying a daughter of Lord Hollingford's--that's to say, if he had

a daughter--he's only got boys, as it happens; but I'm not sure if

I should consent to it. I really am not sure; for you see Osborne

will have had a first-rate education, and his family dates from the

Heptarchy, while I should be glad to know where the Cumnor folk were

in the time of Queen Anne?" He walked on, pondering the question of

whether he could have given his consent to this impossible marriage;

and after some time, and when Molly had quite forgotten the subject

to which he alluded, he broke out with--"No! I'm sure I should have

looked higher. So, perhaps, it's as well my Lord Hollingford has only


After a while, he thanked Molly for her companionship, with

old-fashioned courtesy; and told her that he thought, by this time,

madam would be up and dressed, and glad to have her young visitor

with her. He pointed out the deep purple house, with its stone

facings, as it was seen at some distance between the trees, and

watched her protectingly on her way along the field-paths.

"That's a nice girl of Gibson's," quoth he to himself. "But what a

tight hold the wench got of the notion of his marrying again! One had

need be on one's guard as to what one says before her. To think of

her never having thought of the chance of a stepmother. To be sure, a

stepmother to a girl is a different thing to a second wife to a man!"

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