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Wives and Daughters: An Every-Day Story

Page 563

"It's a great pity that their being in mourning will prevent their

going to the Easter charity ball," said Mrs. Gibson, plaintively.

"I shan't like to take you two girls, if you are not to have any

partners. It will put me in such an awkward position. I wish we could

join on to the Towers party. That would secure you partners, for they

always bring a number of dancing men, who might dance with you after

they had done their duty by the ladies of the house. But really

everything is so changed since dear Lady Cumnor has been an invalid

that, perhaps, they won't go at all."

This Easter ball was a great subject of conversation with Mrs.

Gibson. She sometimes spoke of it as her first appearance in society

as a bride, though she had been visiting once or twice a week all

winter long. Then she shifted her ground, and said she felt so much

interest in it, because she would then have the responsibility of

introducing both her own and Mr. Gibson's daughter to public notice,

though the fact was that pretty nearly every one who was going to

this ball had seen the two young ladies--though not their ball

dresses--before. But, aping the manners of the aristocracy as far

as she knew them, she intended to "bring out" Molly and Cynthia on

this occasion, which she regarded in something of the light of a

presentation at Court. "They are not out yet," was her favourite

excuse when either of them was invited to any house to which she did

not wish them to go, or they were invited without her. She even made

a difficulty about their "not being out" when Miss Browning--that

old friend of the Gibson family--came in one morning to ask the two

girls to come to a friendly tea and a round game afterwards; this

mild piece of gaiety being designed as an attention to three of Mrs.

Goodenough's grandchildren--two young ladies and their schoolboy

brother--who were staying on a visit to their grand-mamma.

"You are very kind, Miss Browning, but, you see, I hardly like to let

them go--they are not out, you know, till after the Easter ball."

"Till when we are invisible," said Cynthia, always ready with her

mockery to exaggerate any pretension of her mother's. "We are so high

in rank that our sovereign must give us her sanction before we can

play a round game at your house."

Cynthia enjoyed the idea of her own full-grown size and stately gait,

as contrasted with that of a meek, half-fledged girl in the nursery;

but Miss Browning was half puzzled and half affronted.

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