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Wives and Daughters: An Every-Day Story

Page 389

"No," said Molly, hesitatingly. She did not wish to make herself into

a hard judge, and yet she did so dislike Mr. Preston. Cynthia went


"Well, what with boots and gloves, and a bonnet and a mantle, and a

white muslin gown, which was made for me before I left on Tuesday,

and a silk gown that followed to the Donaldsons', and my journeys,

and all, there was very little left of the twenty pounds, especially

when I found I must get a ball-dress in Worcester, for we were all

to go to the Ball. Mrs. Donaldson gave me my ticket, but she rather

looked grave at my idea of going to the Ball in my white muslin,

which I had already worn two evenings at their house. Oh dear! how

pleasant it must be to be rich! You know," continued Cynthia, smiling

a very little, "I can't help being aware that I'm pretty, and that

people admire me very much. I found it out first at the Donaldsons'.

I began to think I did look pretty in my fine new clothes, and I saw

that other people thought so too. I was certainly the belle of the

house, and it was very pleasant to feel my power. The last day or

two of that gay week Mr. Preston joined our party. The last time he

had seen me was when I was dressed in shabby clothes too small for

me, half-crying in my solitude, neglected and penniless. At the

Donaldsons' I was a little queen; and as I said, fine feathers make

fine birds, and all the people were making much of me; and at that

Ball, which was the first night he came, I had more partners than I

knew what to do with. I suppose he really did fall in love with me

then. I don't think he had done so before. And then I began to feel

how awkward it was to be in his debt. I couldn't give myself airs to

him as I did to others. Oh! it was so awkward and uncomfortable! But

I liked him, and felt him as a friend all the time. The last day I

was walking in the garden along with the others, and I thought I

would tell him how much I had enjoyed myself, and how happy I had

been, all thanks to his twenty pounds (I was beginning to feel like

Cinderella when the clock was striking twelve), and to tell him it

should be repaid to him as soon as possible, though I turned sick

at the thought of telling mamma, and knew enough of our affairs to

understand how very difficult it would be to muster up the money. The

end of our talk came very soon; for, almost to my terror, he began to

talk violent love to me, and to beg me to promise to marry him. I was

so frightened, that I ran away to the others. But that night I got

a letter from him, apologizing for startling me, renewing his offer,

his entreaties for a promise of marriage, to be fulfilled at any date

I would please to name--in fact, a most urgent love-letter, and in

it a reference to my unlucky debt, which was to be a debt no longer,

only an advance of the money to be hereafter mine if only-- You can

fancy it all, Molly, better than I can remember it to tell it you."

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