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Wives and Daughters: An Every-Day Story

Page 365

So they crossed over the street to speak to Mrs. Goodenough.

"We've just been seeing my wife and her daughter off to London. Mrs.

Gibson has gone up for a week!"

"Deary, deary, to London, and only for a week! Why, I can remember

its being a three days' journey! It'll be very lonesome for you, Miss

Molly, without your young companion!"

"Yes!" said Molly, suddenly feeling as if she ought to have taken

this view of the case. "I shall miss Cynthia very much."

"And you, Mr. Gibson; why, it'll be like being a widower over again!

You must come and drink tea with me some evening. We must try and

cheer you up a bit amongst us. Shall it be Tuesday?"

In spite of the sharp pinch which Molly gave to his arm, Mr. Gibson

accepted the invitation, much to the gratification of the old lady.

"Papa, how could you go and waste one of our evenings! We have but

six in all, and now but five; and I had so reckoned on our doing all

sorts of things together."

"What sort of things?"

"Oh, I don't know: everything that is unrefined and ungenteel," added

she, slily looking up into her father's face.

His eyes twinkled, but the rest of his face was perfectly grave. "I'm

not going to be corrupted. With toil and labour I've reached a very

fair height of refinement. I won't be pulled down again."

"Yes, you will, papa. We'll have bread-and-cheese for lunch this

very day. And you shall wear your slippers in the drawing-room every

evening you'll stay quietly at home; and oh, papa, don't you think I

could ride Nora Creina? I've been looking out the old grey skirt, and

I think I could make myself tidy."

"Where is the side-saddle to come from?"

"To be sure, the old one won't fit that great Irish mare. But I'm not

particular, papa. I think I could manage somehow."

"Thank you. But I'm not quite going to return into barbarism. It may

be a depraved taste, but I should like to see my daughter properly


"Think of riding together down the lanes--why, the dog-roses must be

all out in flower, and the honeysuckles, and the hay--how I should

like to see Merriman's farm again! Papa, do let me have one ride with

you! Please do. I'm sure we can manage it somehow."

And "somehow" it was managed. "Somehow" all Molly's wishes came to

pass; there was only one little drawback to this week of holiday and

happy intercourse with her father. Everybody would ask them out to

tea. They were quite like bride and bridegroom; for the fact was,

that the late dinners which Mrs. Gibson had introduced into her own

house, were a great inconvenience in the calculations of the small

tea-drinkings at Hollingford. How ask people to tea at six, who dined

at that hour? How, when they refused cake and sandwiches at half-past

eight, how induce other people who were really hungry to commit a

vulgarity before those calm and scornful eyes? So there had been a

great lull of invitations for the Gibsons to Hollingford tea-parties.

Mrs. Gibson, whose object was to squeeze herself into "county

society," had taken this being left out of the smaller festivities

with great equanimity; but Molly missed the kind homeliness of the

parties to which she had gone from time to time as long as she could

remember; and though, as each three-cornered note was brought in,

she grumbled a little over the loss of another charming evening

with her father, she really was glad to go again in the old way

among old friends. Miss Browning and Miss Phoebe were especially

compassionate towards her in her loneliness. If they had had their

will she would have dined there every day; and she had to call upon

them very frequently in order to prevent their being hurt at her

declining the dinners. Mrs. Gibson wrote twice during her week's

absence to her husband. That piece of news was quite satisfactory

to the Miss Brownings, who had of late held themselves a great deal

aloof from a house where they chose to suppose that their presence

was not wanted. In their winter evenings they had often talked over

Mr. Gibson's household, and having little besides conjecture to go

upon, they found the subject interminable, as they could vary the

possibilities every day. One of their wonders was how Mr. and Mrs.

Gibson really got on together; another was whether Mrs. Gibson was

extravagant or not. Now two letters during the week of her absence

showed what was in those days considered a very proper amount of

conjugal affection. Yet not too much--at elevenpence-halfpenny

postage. A third letter would have been extravagant. Sister looked to

sister with an approving nod as Molly named the second letter, which

arrived in Hollingford the very day before Mrs. Gibson was to return.

They had settled between themselves that two letters would show the

right amount of good feeling and proper understanding in the Gibson

family: more would have been extravagant; only one would have been

a mere matter of duty. There had been rather a question between

Miss Browning and Miss Phoebe as to which person the second letter

(supposing it came) was to be addressed to. It would be very conjugal

to write twice to Mr. Gibson; and yet it would be very pretty if

Molly came in for her share.

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