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Wives and Daughters: An Every-Day Story

Page 348

When the two gentlemen met they were attracted towards each other

by a similarity of character, with just enough difference in their

opinions to make the experience of each, on which such opinions

were based, valuable to the other. To Mrs. Gibson, although the

bond between them counted for very little in their intercourse, Mr.

Kirkpatrick paid very polite attention; and was, in fact, very glad

that she had done so well for herself as to marry a sensible and

agreeable man, who was able to keep her in comfort, and to behave

to her daughter in so liberal a manner. Molly struck him as a

delicate-looking girl, who might be very pretty if she had a greater

look of health and animation: indeed, looking at her critically,

there were beautiful points about her face--long soft grey eyes,

black curling eyelashes, rarely-showing dimples, perfect teeth;

but there was a languor over all, a slow depression of manner,

which contrasted unfavourably with the brightly-coloured Cynthia,

sparkling, quick, graceful, and witty. As Mr. Kirkpatrick expressed

it afterwards to his wife, he was quite in love with that girl;

and Cynthia, as ready to captivate strangers as any little girl

of three or four, rose to the occasion, forgot all her cares and

despondencies, remembered no longer her regret at having lost

something of Mr. Gibson's good opinion, and listened eagerly and made

soft replies, intermixed with naïve sallies of droll humour, till

Mr. Kirkpatrick was quite captivated. He left Hollingford, almost

surprised to have performed a duty, and found it a pleasure. For Mrs.

Gibson and Molly he had a general friendly feeling; but he did not

care if he never saw them again. But for Mr. Gibson he had a warm

respect, a strong personal liking, which he should be glad to have

ripen into a friendship, if there was time for it in this bustling

world. And he fully resolved to see more of Cynthia; his wife must

know her; they must have her up to stay with them in London, and show

her something of the world. But, on returning home, Mr. Kirkpatrick

found so much work awaiting him that he had to lock up embryo

friendships and kindly plans in some safe closet of his mind,

and give himself up, body and soul, to the immediate work of his

profession. But, in May, he found time to take his wife to the

Academy Exhibition, and some portrait there striking him as being

like Cynthia, he told his wife more about her and his visit to

Hollingford than he had ever had leisure to do before; and the

result was that on the next day a letter was sent off to Mrs. Gibson,

inviting Cynthia to pay a visit to her cousins in London, and

reminding her of many little circumstances that had occurred when she

was with them as a child, so as to carry on the clue of friendship

from that time to the present.

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