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Wives and Daughters: An Every-Day Story

Page 307

"I've been watching for you, dear. Don't go upstairs into the

drawing-room, love. It might be a little interruption just now. Roger

Hamley is there with Cynthia; and I've reason to think--in fact I did

open the door unawares, but I shut it again softly, and I don't think

they heard me. Isn't it charming? Young love, you know, ah, how sweet

it is!"

"Do you mean that Roger has proposed to Cynthia?" asked Molly.

"Not exactly that. But I don't know; of course I know nothing. Only I

did hear him say that he had meant to leave England without speaking

of his love, but that the temptation of seeing her alone had been too

great for him. It was symptomatic, was it not, my dear? And all I

wanted was to let it come to a crisis without interruption. So I've

been watching for you to prevent your going in and disturbing them."

"But I may go to my own room, mayn't I," pleaded Molly.

"Of course," said Mrs. Gibson, a little testily. "Only I had expected

sympathy from you at such an interesting moment."

But Molly did not hear these last words. She had escaped upstairs,

and shut her door. Instinctively she had carried her leaf full of

blackberries--what would blackberries be to Cynthia now? She felt

as if she could not understand it all; but as for that matter, what

could she understand? Nothing. For a few minutes her brain seemed

in too great a whirl to comprehend anything but that she was being

carried on in earth's diurnal course, with rocks, and stones, and

trees, with as little volition on her part as if she were dead.

Then the room grew stifling, and instinctively she went to the open

casement window, and leant out, gasping for breath. Gradually the

consciousness of the soft peaceful landscape stole into her mind, and

stilled the buzzing confusion. There, bathed in the almost level rays

of the autumn sunlight, lay the landscape she had known and loved

from childhood; as quiet, as full of low humming life as it had been

at this hour for many generations. The autumn flowers blazed out in

the garden below, the lazy cows were in the meadow beyond, chewing

their cud in the green aftermath; the evening fires had just been

made up in the cottages beyond, in preparation for the husband's

home-coming, and were sending up soft curls of blue smoke into the

still air; the children, let loose from school, were shouting merrily

in the distance, and she-- Just then she heard nearer sounds; an

opened door, steps on the lower flight of stairs. He could not

have gone without even seeing her. He never, never would have done

so cruel a thing--never would have forgotten poor little Molly,

however happy he might be! No! there were steps and voices, and the

drawing-room door was opened and shut once more. She laid down her

head on her arms that rested upon the window-sill, and cried,--she

had been so distrustful as to have let the idea enter her mind that

he could go without wishing her good-by--her, whom his mother had so

loved, and called by the name of his little dead sister. And as she

thought of the tender love Mrs. Hamley had borne her she cried the

more, for the vanishing of such love for her off the face of the

earth. Suddenly the drawing-room door opened, and some one was heard

coming upstairs; it was Cynthia's step. Molly hastily wiped her eyes,

and stood up and tried to look unconcerned; it was all she had time

to do before Cynthia, after a little pause at the closed door, had

knocked; and on an answer being given, had said, without opening

the door,--"Molly! Mr. Roger Hamley is here, and wants to wish you

good-by before he goes." Then she went downstairs again, as if

anxious just at that moment to avoid even so short a tête-à-tête with

Molly. With a gulp and a fit of resolution, as a child makes up its

mind to swallow a nauseous dose of medicine, Molly went instantly


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