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Wives and Daughters: An Every-Day Story

Page 3

The little straggling town faded away into country on one side close

to the entrance-lodge of a great park, where lived my Lord and Lady

Cumnor: "the earl" and "the countess," as they were always called by

the inhabitants of the town; where a very pretty amount of feudal

feeling still lingered, and showed itself in a number of simple ways,

droll enough to look back upon, but serious matters of importance

at the time. It was before the passing of the Reform Bill, but a

good deal of liberal talk took place occasionally between two or

three of the more enlightened freeholders living in Hollingford;

and there was a great Tory family in the county who, from time to

time, came forward and contested the election with the rival Whig

family of Cumnor. One would have thought that the above-mentioned

liberal-talking inhabitants would have, at least, admitted the

possibility of their voting for the Hely-Harrison, and thus trying to

vindicate their independence. But no such thing. "The earl" was lord

of the manor, and owner of much of the land on which Hollingford was

built; he and his household were fed, and doctored, and, to a certain

measure, clothed by the good people of the town; their fathers'

grandfathers had always voted for the eldest son of Cumnor Towers,

and following in the ancestral track, every man-jack in the place

gave his vote to the liege lord, totally irrespective of such

chimeras as political opinion.

This was no unusual instance of the influence of the great

land-owners over humbler neighbours in those days before railways,

and it was well for a place where the powerful family, who thus

overshadowed it, were of so respectable a character as the Cumnors.

They expected to be submitted to, and obeyed; the simple worship of

the townspeople was accepted by the earl and countess as a right; and

they would have stood still in amazement, and with a horrid memory

of the French sansculottes who were the bugbears of their youth, had

any inhabitant of Hollingford ventured to set his will or opinions

in opposition to those of the earl. But, yielded all that obeisance,

they did a good deal for the town, and were generally condescending,

and often thoughtful and kind in their treatment of their vassals.

Lord Cumnor was a forbearing landlord; putting his steward a little

on one side sometimes, and taking the reins into his own hands now

and then, much to the annoyance of the agent, who was, in fact, too

rich and independent to care greatly for preserving a post where his

decisions might any day be overturned by my lord's taking a fancy

to go "pottering" (as the agent irreverently expressed it in the

sanctuary of his own home), which, being interpreted, meant that

occasionally the earl asked his own questions of his own tenants,

and used his own eyes and ears in the management of the smaller

details of his property. But his tenants liked my lord all the better

for this habit of his. Lord Cumnor had certainly a little time for

gossip, which he contrived to combine with the failing of personal

intervention between the old land-steward and the tenantry. But,

then, the countess made up by her unapproachable dignity for this

weakness of the earl's. Once a year she was condescending. She and

the ladies, her daughters, had set up a school; not a school after

the manner of schools now-a-days, where far better intellectual

teaching is given to the boys and girls of labourers and work-people

than often falls to the lot of their betters in worldly estate; but

a school of the kind we should call "industrial," where girls are

taught to sew beautifully, to be capital housemaids, and pretty fair

cooks, and, above all, to dress neatly in a kind of charity uniform

devised by the ladies of Cumnor Towers;--white caps, white tippets,

check aprons, blue gowns, and ready curtseys, and "please, ma'ams,"

being _de rigueur_.

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