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Wives and Daughters: An Every-Day Story

Page 253

For some days after the ball Cynthia seemed languid, and was very

silent. Molly, who had promised herself fully as much enjoyment in

talking over the past gaiety with Cynthia as in the evening itself,

was disappointed when she found that all conversation on the subject

was rather evaded than encouraged. Mrs. Gibson, it is true, was ready

to go over the ground as many times as any one liked; but her words

were always like ready-made clothes, and never fitted individual

thoughts. Anybody might have used them, and, with a change of proper

names, they might have served to describe any ball. She repeatedly

used the same language in speaking about it, till Molly knew the

sentences and their sequence even to irritation.

"Ah! Mr. Osborne, you should have been there! I said to myself many a

time how you really should have been there--you and your brother, of


"I thought of you very often during the evening!"

"Did you? Now that I call very kind of you. Cynthia, darling! Do you

hear what Mr. Osborne Hamley was saying?" as Cynthia came into the

room just then. "He thought of us all on the evening of the ball."

"He did better than merely remember us then," said Cynthia, with her

soft slow smile. "We owe him thanks for those beautiful flowers,


"Oh!" said Osborne, "you must not thank me exclusively. I believe it

was my thought, but Roger took all the trouble of it."

"I consider the thought as everything," said Mrs. Gibson. "Thought is

spiritual, while action is merely material."

This fine sentence took the speaker herself by surprise; and in such

conversation as was then going on, it is not necessary to accurately

define the meaning of everything that is said.

"I'm afraid the flowers were too late to be of much use, though,"

continued Osborne. "I met Preston the next morning, and of course we

talked about the ball. I was sorry to find he had been beforehand

with us."

"He only sent one nosegay, and that was for Cynthia," said Molly,

looking up from her work. "And it did not come till after we had

received the flowers from Hamley." Molly caught a sight of Cynthia's

face before she bent down again to her sewing. It was scarlet in

colour, and there was a flash of anger in her eyes. Both she and her

mother hastened to speak as soon as Molly had finished, but Cynthia's

voice was choked with passion, and Mrs. Gibson had the word.

"Mr. Preston's bouquet was just one of those formal affairs any one

can buy at a nursery-garden, which always strike me as having no

sentiment in them. I would far rather have two or three lilies of the

valley gathered for me by a person I like, than the most expensive

bouquet that could be bought!"

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